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Sing their name choir

16 Mar 2023 - 14:37 by michelle.foster

A new Greater Manchester choir has been created for those bereaved by suicide and they would love to welcome new members.

sing their name choir logoThe choir meets weekly on a Wednesday evening 7pm-8.30pm at a central Manchester location and are planning to perform publicly on 29 June 2023 when the Baton of Hope UK Tour arrives in Manchester.

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Office furniture available

16 Mar 2023 - 14:31 by michelle.foster

Quilter Cheviot have office furniture available from 20 March until 5 April. The office furniture includes: office chairs, storage cupboards, meeting room chairs and tables. Preferably items need to be collected, but delivery can be arranged if necessary.

To express an interest in the furniture email Theresa Murphy-Randles at: [email protected]

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Free beginners coding course

16 Mar 2023 - 14:19 by michelle.foster

Are you aged between 18 and 30 and curious about building web apps but have never taken the plunge?

madlab logoMadLab is running a FREE beginners’ coding course this spring, starting on 29th March and running for five weeks, every Wednesday (in-person at the beautiful Stockport Museum) and Thursday (online). Let us take you on a journey of discovery from “no previous experience” to creating your first interactive website.

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Let’s Walk Fund – GM Walking Festival 1-31 May 2023

9 Mar 2023 - 12:02 by michelle.foster

The Let’s Walk Fund is designed to support walk organisers to deliver a walk as part of the GM Walking Festival 2023 from 1-31 May, while helping to sustain the opportunity beyond May.

image: funding bagGrants are for a maximum of £100. Please note there are a limited number of grants available.

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Grant for VCS funding Keeping Children and Young People Safe

9 Mar 2023 - 11:56 by michelle.foster

Manchester’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP) will award up to £50,000 in each area to be used to support delivery of the Manchester Community Safety Strategy which focuses on keeping image: funding bagpeople safe, reducing harm and strengthening communities.

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SPAR Community Cashback Scheme

9 Mar 2023 - 11:51 by michelle.foster

SPAR has launched a new £100,000 Community Cashback scheme which will give grants to local voluntary or community organisations and charities who need it most.

image: funding bagShoppers from all over the UK can apply for a grant for an organisation or charity they feel deserves funding. All applicants need to do is share the exceptional contribution a local organisation has made to their community and what the grant would be put towards.

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