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The Energy Bill Revolution

13 Mar 2013 - 13:41 by margot.sullivan

The Energy Bill Revolution

We are facing an energy bill crisis, with millions of people struggling to heat their homes.

1 in 4 households in the UK are now in fuel poverty, meaning they need to spend more than 10% of their income on keeping their homes warm. The problem is likely to get worse, with 1 in 3 households projected to be in fuel poverty by 2016.

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Climate Week - Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion

13 Mar 2013 - 13:26 by margot.sullivan

Climate Week 2013 was Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion. Over 3,400 events were registered, attended by about half a million people. They involved every part of society and showed an enormous appetite across the UK for collective action on climate change.

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Social investment boosted by Big Lottery Fund ‘kick start’

13 Mar 2013 - 11:18 by michelle.foster

The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) has launched a Kick-Starter fund to support organisations wishing to showcase the impact of their innovative projects to potential social investors.

The news comes as David Cameron prepares to use the UK’s presidency of the G8 Summit in June to put social investment on the global political agenda.

As of May 2013, England-based social businesses and those behind social investment products such as charitable bonds will be able to apply to BIG’s £299,975 Kick-Starter fund to pay for the development of a social impact report.

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Spring Online – Grants of £100 available for taster events

12 Mar 2013 - 15:07 by michelle.foster

Spring Online is a campaign which helps thousands of people learn about and use computers, the internet and other modern technology.

This year (22-26 April 2013) the campaign is being delivered in association with Carphone Warehouse.

More than 2,000 free digital taster events are held across the UK each year for Spring Online. The events take place in a wide variety of venues and are run by volunteers: individuals and organisations that are as passionate about digital technology as we are and keen to make a difference in their communities.

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An Urban Flax Growing Project in Ancoats

8 Mar 2013 - 14:52 by margot.sullivan

The Sow Sew Manchester Fabric has finally arrived at Bridge 5 Mill thanks to Camira.

Sow Sew aims to take Manchester back to its roots, literally and metaphorically! Planting and growing of flax in Ancoats has taken a  rather poetic look back in time to when Manchester was a thriving hub of trade of materials through the canal system, especially flax.

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Building Health Partnerships

8 Mar 2013 - 09:10 by michelle.foster

Building Health Partnerships is a learning programme designed to improve collaboration between clinical commissioning groups (CCG) and local voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises (VCSE). It is being managed by NAVCA in partnership with Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) and the NHS Commissioning Board, with the support of the Department of Health.

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IME to give free online leadership training to 200 charities

7 Mar 2013 - 13:30 by michelle.foster

Inspire, Motivate & Engage (IME) as part of their 2013 CSR strategy, has decided to support 200 charities and non-profits by providing access to their online training courses as a gift in kind. Each chosen beneficiary can receive places on the IME nationally accredited online training course for their employees, to be used at any time during the year. This training is worth up to £11,250 per annum as a gift in kind.

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Charities offered free business advice matching service

7 Mar 2013 - 13:18 by michelle.foster

Business coaching consultants Tinder-Box are inviting charities and social enterprises to be matched with businesses that will work with them for free to share skills and solve problems.

Tinder-Box's Enterprise programme is available to not-for-profit organisations that have a specific business challenge that they need help with. There is no charge to the charities and social enterprises selected. It is designed to bring business leaders and third sector organisations together to share skills and experience and solve real issues.

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Santander Social Enterprise Training Fund

7 Mar 2013 - 12:32 by michelle.foster

As part of Santander’s strategic investment to support social enterprise they have launched a Social Enterprise Training Fund

The aim is to support social enterprises to access training to specifically support organisational growth.

Some examples of training or information sessions that may be considered include (not exhaustive):
• Business planning
• Marketing & PR
• Administrative processes
• Finance management
• Commissioning/bid writing

Timescales: Training sessions/workshops need to be accessed by 30th June 2013

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29 Childcare Centres across Manchester available for Lease

7 Mar 2013 - 11:04 by Nigel Rose

Manchester City Council (MCC) is shortly to issue application forms through The Chest for providers of childcare to get the opportunity to bid to lease one or more of 29 childcare centres across Manchester. Bidders will have to take on a full repairing and insuring lease, a significant risk, that providers will need to build into their business plans. In some of the centres part of the building will be leased back to MCC for the continuing provision of Surestart. Each of the bidders will be required to reserve 3 Child in Need places for use by MCC.

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