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Safeguarding E-learning for Partner Agencies

19 Mar 2013 - 09:27 by cheryl.mcalister

Manchester City Council are able to provide a quota of free licences - up to around 30 - for external organisations who would like to access basic safeguarding adults e-learning (this includes a Safeguarding Adults Awareness, Domestic Abuse and Mental Capacity Act module).

We can provide additional licences at a cost of £3 per person. This is a reduced rate that we have negotiated with the Virtual College who are contracted to provide the e-learning.

Outlined below is a basic guide to registering staff that all organisations who wish to access this training should follow.

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Woodward Charitable Trust - Children's Summer Playschemes 2013

15 Mar 2013 - 09:20 by michelle.foster

Each year the trustees of the Woodward Charitable Trust set aside funds for summer playschemes for children between the ages of 5-16 years.

Most grants awarded are in the range of £500 to £1,000. Around 35 grants are made each year.

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Time to Change grants fund – Round 3 now open

15 Mar 2013 - 09:18 by michelle.foster

Want to run a project to challenge stigma and discrimination in your community and beyond?

The Time to Change grants fund could support you to do this. The Grants will fund projects that bring people with and without mental health problems together and create opportunities for them to have meaningful conversations.

Projects must be led by people with experience of mental health problems. This means that people with first-hand experience take a lead at all levels and stages, from designing the project, to managing and evaluating the project.

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Esmee Fairburn Foundation – Food Strand

15 Mar 2013 - 09:15 by michelle.foster

The Esmee Fairburn Foundation has a long standing interest in food and in its impact on people, communities and the wider environment.

The Food Strand supports work that demonstrates the important role food plays in wellbeing and that connects people to the food that they eat. As part of this primary aim the Strand seeks to bring about more sustainable food production and consumption policies and practices.

The Strand is open to both large-scale strategic interventions and innovative local work.

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Donate Mobile

15 Mar 2013 - 09:12 by michelle.foster

New mobile phone service provider Donate Mobile, a dedicated third sector mobile phone service, has launched.

A simple SIM card swap to Donate Mobile enables 10% of a customer’s mobile phone bill to go to the customer’s nominated charity, at no extra cost to either the customer or the charity: Gift Aid can be applied to all qualifying donations.

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BBC Children in Need Small Grants and Main Grants Programmes – 2013 Deadlines

14 Mar 2013 - 16:04 by michelle.foster

BBC Children in Need's Small Grants programme and Main Grants Prograemmes are open to charities and not-for-profit organisations to apply to.

The BBC Children in Need focus firmly on children and young people experiencing disadvantage. BBC Children in Need fund organisations working to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives.

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Help to shape the national strategy for equality, health inequalities and human rights – have your say

14 Mar 2013 - 16:03 by michelle.foster

Working as part of the NHS Equality and Diversity Council (EDC), the NHS Commissioning Board is inviting a wide range of views to inform the development of the national strategy to promote equality and reduce health inequalities. The strategy will set out a clear approach, reflective of the values of the NHS Constitution, for promoting equality and reducing health inequalities for all groups across the life course.

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Charities Online: Gift Aid is going online

14 Mar 2013 - 11:48 by michelle.foster

From 22 April 2013, charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) can sign up to make repayment claims electronically.

The new service, Charities Online, is being introduced in response to customer feedback. It will make repayment claims faster and easier by filing online. The current print and post repayment form will be replaced by three options for making claims.

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Parliamentary Inquiry Seeks Views on Engaging Young People with Charity

13 Mar 2013 - 16:13 by michelle.foster

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) have launched the Growing Giving Parliamentary Inquiry.

The first strand of the Parliamentary Inquiry will examine the role of education in helping young people to learn about and engage with charity. It will examine potential new opportunities for young people to become involved in charity and how we can make giving opportunities fit for the digital age.

CAF would be grateful for ideas and evidence from everyone with an interest in this area.

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