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Creative Digital Virtual Jobs Fair 2013

27 Feb 2013 - 09:19 by michelle.foster

Are you looking to recruit students and graduates in 2013?

Sign-up to advertise your vacancies at this Virtual Jobs Fair to get access to students and graduates who are looking for work in the creative and digital industries.

When is the fair?
The fair will run from Monday 11 to Friday 22 March 2013.

How does the fair work?

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Climate Week 2013 4-10 March

25 Feb 2013 - 15:22 by michelle.foster

Climate week is Monday 4 March – Sunday 10 March 2013

Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign, inspiring a new wave of action to create a sustainable future.

Culminating in a week of activities, it showcases practical solutions from every sector of society.

Each year, half a million people attend 3,000 events in Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion. Events are run by schools, businesses, charities, councils and many others.

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EDL Demo 2 March 2013 – Advice from GMP and City Council for residents

25 Feb 2013 - 09:34 by michelle.foster

The English Defence League (EDL) is planning to hold a demonstration in Manchester on Saturday 2 March 2013.

Manchester City Council and Greater Manchester Police are working in partnership to ensure that this event causes the minimum of disruption to all members of the community.

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Planning for this years Adult Learners Week celebrations in Manchester

22 Feb 2013 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

The Learning Skills and Employment Network (LSEN) will once again be co-ordinating Adult Learners Week activities in Manchester, as well as supporting the North West Consortium and Steering Group and they need your help with this.

LSEN see Adult Learners Week activities as part of their broader Community Learning Strategy and consequently are pulling together a Manchester based Steering Group to help plan out this year’s programme

If your organisation has something to offer Adult Learners Week this year – LSEN need to know

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Grants now available for community enterprises

22 Feb 2013 - 10:01 by michelle.foster

Are you concerned about the threat of closure of your local pub or post office for example, then why not take it over? Do you think you are better placed to run a local service currently run by your local authority, then why not investigate the possibility of delivering it yourself?

There are Pre-Feasibility Grants available for amounts of up to £10,000 for organisations to build internal capacity to help them to compete to deliver public services and/or own and manage assets.

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Volunteer Centre Manchester now has its own dedicated training page

22 Feb 2013 - 09:59 by michelle.foster

To see what’s on offer and sign up for courses, visit: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/volunteer-centre/training

Upcoming training includes:
Health Champions - Understanding Health Improvement Level
Introduction to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Volunteers and The Law
Managing Volunteers
Safe Recruitment

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Does your work help to improve offenders' relationships?

21 Feb 2013 - 14:04 by michelle.foster

New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) is developing a new toolkit with National Offender Management Service (NOMS) to measure the outcomes of work to improve offenders' relationships, and is working with Clinks to get your opinions on what this should include. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes, and the deadline for responses is 13 March.

To take part in the survey and give your opinions, visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BDV5H2X  

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BIG backed scheme puts volunteers at heart of parks

21 Feb 2013 - 12:28 by michelle.foster

Vital green spaces across England that are at risk of decline due to significant funding cuts are to be supported through a Lottery backed ‘Love Parks’ project announced today.

Big Lottery Fund (BIG) is awarding £416,450 to GreenSpace’s ‘Love Parks’ project which will see a nationwide network of trained volunteers created to help conserve parks and green spaces up and down the country.

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Your Square Mile Seeks Opinions from Moss Side and Hulme Residents For ‘Social Capital Survey’

20 Feb 2013 - 15:19 by michelle.foster

Community engagement organisation Your Square Mile is calling on the residents of Moss Side and Hulme to offer their views on their community, local politics and decision making through a Social Capital Survey.

Moss Side and Hulme residents can click on www.surveymonkey.com/s/GM9KVCR to fill in the survey. The results will help Your Square Mile track how things have improved in the area.

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