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Early Stage Support programme for community-led housing projects

26 May 2016 - 13:17 by michelle.foster

The Early Stage Support programme, funded by the Nationwide Foundation, offers expert mentoring and small grants to help affordable community-led housing projects get started.

This is a programme to help community groups in England in the critical early stages of their project. It provides help with everything from choosing a legal structure to funding guidance.

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Edge Fund Grants

26 May 2016 - 13:15 by michelle.foster

Edge Fund supports those taking action for a just, equitable and sustainable world. Edge Fund provides grants for work that challenges abuses of power and aims to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice. This could be the economic system, the political system, or any system that discriminates against people based on their identity or background (e.g. class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, age or other factors).

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Macc's Bid-Writing Service

25 May 2016 - 15:13 by michelle.foster

We know from conversations with a lot of local organisations that pressure to save costs has meant reduced staffing and so reduced capacity to invest in finding new sources of funding. You know what you need to do and what you want to do but you just don’t have enough time and people to do it. Sound familiar? So we’ve developed a new service to enable you to buy in the capacity you need…

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Co-op offers free biomass boilers to social and community buildings

19 May 2016 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

Manchester-based Biomass Energy Co-op has launched a scheme to promote the uptake of renewable heat technologies. Aimed specifically at community buildings, co-ops, charities and churches, the scheme offers brand new serviced biomass boiler systems to the end user who just pays for the heat they use.

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The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust

19 May 2016 - 10:21 by michelle.foster

The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust gives grants to registered charities that work in the UK. In 2016 the Trust is focussing on Children and Youth. Priority will be given to projects focussing on homelessness, domestic abuse, prisoners/offenders, training and education, counselling and support, and activities for those with limited access or opportunities. Grants of  £3,000 or £1,000 are available.

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Small Charity Week 2016: 13-18 June

19 May 2016 - 10:18 by michelle.foster

Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

Small Charity Week is brought to you by the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), who with the support of partner organisations ensure the work of small charities is recognised and celebrated.

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Power to Change grants for community businesses

12 May 2016 - 11:25 by michelle.foster

Power to Change only funds community businesses. A community business is often set up to tackle a local issue that the community faces together. There are many types of community business. What they all have in common is that they are accountable to their local community and that the profits they generate flow back into the community to deliver positive local impact.

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People's Postcode Trust - Small Grants Programme

12 May 2016 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

People’s Postcode Trust exists to try to make the world a better place through short-term, designated funding for projects that focus on the prevention of poverty, support healthy living initiatives and uphold human rights for some of society’s most vulnerable groups. It will also consider projects which help different communities come together for the benefit of their local area.

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Postcode Community Trust Grants

12 May 2016 - 10:58 by michelle.foster

Postcode Community Trust is a grant-giving body funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Postcode Community Trust provides funding opportunities to community groups and charities in Scotland, England and Wales, through grants ranging from £500 - £20,000.

Postcode Community Trust provides short-term, designated funding to good causes that promote community development and demonstrate positive change through access and engagement.

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Lloyds Bank Foundation – Invest Grants

12 May 2016 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

Invest grants provide longer term core or direct delivery funding for eligible charities that are delivering clear outcomes as a result of their work. These grants are from £10,000 up to a maximum of £25,000 per year for two or three years, with the opportunity for continuation funding for a further period – up to six years in total.

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