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User Led Organisation (ULO) funding 2016-17

24 Feb 2016 - 11:54 by michelle.foster

Skills for Care is making user led organisation (ULO) grant funding available again for 2016-17. The grant is available to deliver training or organise, purchase and support training, for people who employ their own care and support staff (individual employers). The learning delivered may include, but will not be restricted to, accredited health and social care qualifications.

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Hilden Charitable Fund - Summer Play Schemes Grant Open

24 Feb 2016 - 11:53 by michelle.foster

The Hilden Charitable Fund has allocated a small budget to help community groups run summer play schemes for disadvantaged communities. Some priority will be given to projects which show they are inclusive of children from refugee families, and show BME involvement. Grants of £500 to £1,500 are available.

The Trustees are looking to fund:
• Projects for children aged 5 to 18 years
• Locally based schemes lasting from 2 to 6 weeks
• Schemes with strong volunteer support

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Big Lottery launch a VCSE Strength Checker

19 Feb 2016 - 10:36 by michelle.foster

The Big Lottery are offering all VCSEs in the UK an opportunity to analyse their organisation and identify areas that could be developed to improve organisational strength through this diagnostic tool. It is not linked to any funding programmes and it is completely free to use.

If you are applying for funding, or intend to apply for funding, whether this is for a Big Lottery Fund grant, government grant or through a trust or foundation, it may be useful to complete the VCSE Strength Checker and build its findings into your application.

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Applications for Wythenshawe Community Housing Group’s Community Grants now open

12 Feb 2016 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

Wythenshawe Community Housing Group’s Community Grants Panel is looking for new applications from the community and voluntary groups in Wythenshawe by the end of March 2016.

Last year the panel awarded over £45,000 to various local Community Groups in Wythenshawe who benefited from a grant.

Senior Community Investment Manager Sarah Woolley said: “Last year we were able to help lots of community groups in Wythenshawe and there are still funds available in 2016. So please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you think your group can benefit from this scheme”.

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Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme Consultation

12 Feb 2016 - 11:05 by michelle.foster

Gift Aid is a tax relief. It allows individual taxpayers to give a sum of money to a charity or Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), which is treated as being paid to the charity net of basic rate income tax.

The Government is keen to understand your experience of operating the scheme.

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Institute of Fundraising and Small Charities Coalition Press Release - Significant work needed to raise awareness of fundraising changes with smaller charities

12 Feb 2016 - 11:04 by michelle.foster

The results of a survey run by the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) and the Small Charities Coalition (SCC) shows that almost half of respondents are ‘not very familiar’ or ‘not at all familiar’ with the review of fundraising self-regulation conducted last summer.

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Fabulous Fan Fayre - raise unlimited funds for your community group through a new opportunity

8 Feb 2016 - 09:49 by michelle.foster

Are you interested in raising unlimited funds for your community group through a new opportunity? If so come along to an information event to find out more.

Date & Time: 22 February 2016, 11am-1pm
Venue: Etihad Stadium, Ashton New Road, Manchester

Working in partnership with Fabulous Fan Fayre - Macc are inviting local VCSE groups to an open day to explore how not for profit organisations can raise funds in a unique and exciting way.

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Mayor launches £900,000 community chest

5 Feb 2016 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

Communities across Greater Manchester are being invited to bid for a slice of £900,000 to reduce demand on police services by building strong neighbourhoods, boosting volunteering, and empowering the region’s young people.

The funds available include:

Commissioner’s neighbourhood fund
Grants of up to £1000 (from a total fund of £200,000) are available for projects that contribute to stronger, safer neighbourhoods; increase neighbourliness; and encourage communities to help themselves and others.

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Learning Disability Engagement - Grant funding

5 Feb 2016 - 10:01 by michelle.foster

NHS England wants to support the involvement of people with a learning disability who are given the least chance to have their say. This is so that people: have their experiences listened to; can be involved in improving healthcare; and can tell NHS England about the issues and challenges that make it harder for them to get the same quality of healthcare as everyone else.

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