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Neighbourly – connecting charities with businesses

5 Jul 2022 - 14:37 by michelle.foster

Neighbourly is a community investment and engagement platform that connects 20,000 local charities and good causes across the UK and Ireland with local businesses that want to give back to their community. Through their three giving neighbourlystreams: food and product surplus, volunteer help or financial grants, the platform is free to use for charities, schools and good causes.

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Woodward Charitable Trust’s General Fund

30 Jun 2022 - 14:20 by michelle.foster

Core funding is available for smaller registered charities working with isolated children and young people, disadvantaged families, and prisoners and ex-offenders in the UK.

fundingThe Woodward Charitable Trust twice a year it awards grants to UK registered charities with an annual turnover of less than £200,000.

The funding is for charitable organisations in the UK, working in the following areas:

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Free training and support sessions for groups in North and East Manchester

24 Jun 2022 - 09:42 by michelle.foster

4CT, North Manchester VCSE Partnership and East Manchester Youth and Play Partnership are working together to offer free training and support sessions open to all voluntary, community and trainingsocial enterprise (VCSE) staff and volunteers in North Manchester and East Manchester.

Upcoming courses:

5 July, 10am - 12.30pm at Khizra Mosque, Cheetham Hill

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