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New Café opportunity

15 Apr 2021 - 15:46 by michelle.foster

southway housing trust logoDo you want to run a brand new community café in a great location in Gorton?

New business opportunity for a local social / community enterprise, educational establishment, or charitable organisation to lease the kitchen and run a café for
residents and open to the public at Southway Housing Trust’s newly built Gorton Mill House development.

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The Fundraising Regular has updated their Coronavirus guidance

15 Apr 2021 - 15:39 by michelle.foster

fundraising regulator logoThe Fundraising Regulator has published updated guidance to support charitable fundraising organisations as they plan to resume public fundraising activities in line with the latest Government advice. Many charities are facing complex decisions, not only about their fundraising activity, but what that means for future income generation and the important work they do.

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The Big Lunch is back: 5-6 June 2021

15 Apr 2021 - 15:26 by michelle.foster

big lunch logoThe Big Lunch is the UK’s annual big date to celebrate and give thanks to our neighbours and communities. People meet, chat and have fun in their neighbourhoods, annually fundraising £8m for local causes they care about. The Big Lunch is your chance to celebrate community connections and get to know one another a little better. The big date is 5-6 June - join in online, on your doorstep, or over the fence. 

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Manchester Adult Education Service Community Learning Fund 2021-2022

9 Apr 2021 - 09:56 by michelle.foster

maes logoThe main purpose of the Community Learning Fund (CLF) is to reach disadvantaged communities and individuals, to enable them to participate in learning and to progress towards further learning and/or sustainable employment.

The aim of the fund is to build the skills levels of Manchester residents while complementing other available provision and providing progression routes to further learning, employment and volunteering.

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Lloyds Bank Foundation Core Funding

9 Apr 2021 - 09:29 by michelle.foster

lloyds bank foundation logoLloyds Bank Foundation fund small and local charities, investing in their work helping people overcome complex social issues across England and Wales. Lloyds Bank Foundation support charities with an annual income of £25,000 to £1 million with a proven track record of helping people on a journey of positive change through in-depth, holistic and person-centred support.

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Charity Commission launches campaign to help charity trustees be certain in uncertain times

9 Apr 2021 - 09:17 by michelle.foster

charity commission logoThe Charity Commission has launched a new campaign aimed at helping trustees refresh their knowledge of charity governance and be ‘certain in uncertain times’.

The Charity Commission has launched a new set of simple, easy to understand guides, designed to help trustees run their charities in line with the law.

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