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Manchester City Council Parks improvements funding 2021

20 May 2021 - 15:54 by michelle.foster

man city councilManchester City Council are making £12.5m available to support a range of capital investment opportunities in the city's parks and green spaces, to realise the vision for parks to be the heart, lungs and soul of the city.

The City Council want to hear from local groups and organisations with ideas to use this funding: to build upon, add to, or improve park assets.

The £12.5m will be split:

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Thomas Wall Trust – Digital Skills 2021 Grants Programme

20 May 2021 - 15:49 by michelle.foster

fundingGrants are available for registered charities and not-for-profit organisations to support specific projects or core activities that support literacy, numeracy, digital and additional skills in order to increase employment prospects within the UK.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available.

To be eligible, applicants must:

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Leading in uncertainty – Peer support for charity and social enterprise leaders

20 May 2021 - 15:47 by michelle.foster

ivarIVAR are running 90 minute drop-in peer support sessions for up to 10 charity leaders at a time, every week, from June 2021 – via zoom. Attendees will have a safe space to share challenges, time to pause and reflect, and the opportunity to hear each other’s experiences of adapting to and coping with leading in prolonged uncertainty. 

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Funding for Black-led organisations in the UK

14 May 2021 - 08:59 by michelle.foster

common call fundDo it Now Now (DINN) is delighted to have received funding from Comic Relief’s Global Majority Fund to provide, through a Common Call grant fund, financial support to Black-led charities and social enterprises disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 in the UK. The £300,000 fund includes contributions from Barclays, National Emergencies Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The Clothworkers’ Foundation and Comic Relief.

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Jigsaw Foundation

13 May 2021 - 15:23 by michelle.foster

jigsaw foundationJigsaw Foundation offers funds for projects which make a difference to the lives of their residents and their communities. The fund is open to charities, residents and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and local partner agencies.

All projects must positively impact at least one of the themes:

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Windrush Community Fund phase 2 open for applications

13 May 2021 - 15:21 by michelle.foster

gov.ukThe Windrush Community Fund is up to £500,000 of financial support available to charity, community or grassroots organisations across the UK to fund projects which raise awareness of the Windrush Scheme (documentation), the Windrush Compensation Scheme or both.

This support is available to fund activities across the UK. Awards range from a minimum of £2,500 to a maximum of £25,000.

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