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National Lottery Community Fund – BAME VCS Organisations Survey

29 Apr 2021 - 15:05 by michelle.foster

national lottery community fundThe National Lottery Community Fund in Greater Manchester are working with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) led organisations to understand how they can make their funding more accessible and inclusive.

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Booska paper: Exposing Structural Racism in the Third Sector

29 Apr 2021 - 15:01 by michelle.foster

booska paperBooska Paper exposes structural racism in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and explored the impact of the pandemic on funding attitudes in the UK.

It highlights the issues that need to be addressed to help us create more just and racially equitable society where all communities can flourish.

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Made By Sport Fund

22 Apr 2021 - 14:39 by michelle.foster

made by sport fund logoThe Made By Sport Fund welcomes applications from grassroots community sports groups based in any of the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester who are working with children and young people. The Fund aims to support organisations which are able to demonstrate that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected their ability to deliver their usual activities. The Made By Sport Fund is offering awards of £2,021.

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The Empowering Women Fund

22 Apr 2021 - 14:31 by michelle.foster

fundingMany women’s lives are complex, and they often have tangled paths through systems, structures and communities to access the support needed to live safe, independent lives. Research into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that women are facing the additional burden of unemployment, childcare and economic distress.

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Voluntary sector groups that relied on room rental for their income have been adversely affected by Covid-19 - new Room to Rent report

21 Apr 2021 - 09:24 by helen.walker

Room to Rent, a new Macc report, looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic adversely affected the ability of a range of VCSE organisations to generate room rental income, especially during the original lockdown. 17 organisations from across Manchester were involved in this research and it found that organisations faced a number of challenges and had to adapt quickly to the original lockdown and the subsequent restrictions. However, and perhaps surprisingly, their experiences were not all negative and some organisations adapted very quickly.

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Coronavirus – thoughts on the latest lifting of restrictions

19 Apr 2021 - 14:42 by stuart.vaughan

On 8 March the country began its journey out of Coronavirus lockdown restrictions towards a ‘new normal’ where society is back to something approaching the life we remember from 2019. Tentatively, restrictions are being lifted, and 8 March saw the first of these, with the resumption of education – with some continuing limitations such as use of face-masks, social distancing etc.

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Aviva Community Fund – Round 3 2021 open for applications

15 Apr 2021 - 15:56 by michelle.foster

aviva community fund logoEvery three months, £250,000 will be shared equally among Aviva’s UK employees to donate to the projects that matter to them most. Each charity can apply for funding of up to a maximum of £50,000 and Aviva employees will decide how the funding is distributed.

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The Global Majority Fund by Comic Relief

15 Apr 2021 - 15:53 by michelle.foster

funding imageThe Global Majority Fund is for organisations who work with communities facing racial inequality within the UK.

Muslim Charities Forum, Intermediary Partner to distribute the funds for Comic Relief, has opened the funding application process for small-medium organisations to apply for project or core costs for up to £10,000.

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