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Green Recovery Challenge Fund

14 Sep 2020 - 14:17 by michelle.foster

heritage fundGrants from £50,000 to £5m are now available to kick-start the nation’s green recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

The Green Recovery Challenge Fund is open to environmental charities and partnerships that include at least one environmental charity, with projects in England that are ready to start.

All projects must contribute to at least one of the following themes:

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AB Charitable Trust – deadline 31 October 2020

10 Sep 2020 - 15:14 by michelle.foster

ab charitable trustUK-registered charities that work towards combating abuse and violations of human rights can apply for grants of up to £20,000. Applications are particularly welcomed from charities working to support migrants, refugees and asylum seekers; criminal justice and penal reform; human rights and access to justice.

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LGBT+ Futures: National Emergencies Trust Fund

10 Sep 2020 - 15:10 by michelle.foster

lgbt+ futures grants programmeA new £350,000 grants programme to support UK based LGBT+ non-profit groups, organisations and projects most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Organisations applying must have Objects in their constitution specifically outlining their support of LGBT+ communities and/or be clear in their public facing materials (e.g.

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Commonwealth Foundation – COVID-19: special grants call

10 Sep 2020 - 15:04 by michelle.foster

commonwealth foundationThe Foundation’s Grants Programme supports innovative project ideas and approaches that seek to strengthen the ability of civic voices to engage with governments to improve governance and development outcomes through their active participation.

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New Investment Fund for Social Enterprises, Charities and Community Businesses

10 Sep 2020 - 15:02 by michelle.foster

Has your company or organisation been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 crisis and been unable to access suitable or sufficient investment from existing support schemes such as the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) or SIB’s Resilience and Recovery Loan Fund?

Whether you address social needs, strengthen communities, improve people’s life chances, enhance culture or protect the environment – this opportunity is for you.

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Manchester Food Provider Fixtures and Fittings Fund

10 Sep 2020 - 10:11 by michelle.foster

MaccFifteen £1,000 grants are available to voluntary, community and social enterprise emergency food providers in the city of Manchester, for purchasing fixtures and fittings that support preparations for the winter period aimed at: improving the health and safety of service users and workers, particularly regarding Covid-19; helping sustain and improve efficiency of existing food services; supporting increased food service provision.

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