Children and Families

Afruca Talks

Join Afruca every other Saturday as they discuss parenting in the Black and Ethnic community. It’s a welcoming environment to parenting issues in the UK.

afruca talksThe session are held remotely on Zoom every other Saturday 5.30pm-7pm.  

Contact Ekanem, Volunteers Programme Co-ordinator to find out more about how to get involved on: [email protected]

Cash for Kids cost-of-living grant

Cash for Kids is granting out of £1 Million of Help across the UK, to support children and young people through the cost-of-living crisis.

fundingIn response to the crisis hitting so many families right now Cash for Kids have launched this new fund, to provide emergency essentials that support the physical and mental well-being of children who are struggling.

Iam Irish Lone Parents Project

Single parent of bi racial children?

IAMI welcome you to take part in an online support group for single parents of bi racial children of Irish decent.

This group is run for single parents by single parents online once a week. Joining the group is free and you can meet other parents in a fun and informal way. The groups are child friendly.

The group launches on 10 November 2022.

To join email Murray at: [email protected]

The Charity Service – Chronicle Cinderella Fund

Funding from the Chronicle Cinderella Home Fund is available for individuals or organisations to support the costs of respite care and support (including but not limited to the provision of holidays) for the charity servicethe benefit of children and young people under the age of 25 who are sick, convalescent, have special educational needs or are disadvantaged for any other reason.