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Better Care Fund

20 Feb 2014 - 13:08 by Nigel Rose

The Better Care Fund by the government was announced in June 2013. It is a funding mechamism, covering the period 2014/15 and 2015/16 intended to incentivise integration of health and social services and more specifically to reduce hospital admissions. North, Central and South Cliinical Commissioning Groups, together with Manchester City Council will decide shortly how their slice of national funding will be spent, as projects need to be put in place rapidly.

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Food Futures - Growing Manchester Programme 2014

17 Feb 2014 - 14:04 by michelle.foster

Need support to help you and your organisation grow your own healthy, fresh and sustainable food?

Thinking of starting a community food growing project but don't know where to start?

The 'Growing Manchester' programme could be just what you are looking for to help you and your organisation get started or take your project to the next level.

The Food Futures 'Growing Manchester' programme supports new and existing community food growing projects to ensure that local people with an enthusiasm to grow can access the training and support their project needs to succeed.

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Wellbeing and Health Policy

17 Feb 2014 - 13:15 by john.butler

The Department of Health has published a suite of evidence summaries on why wellbeing matters to health throughout someone’s life, and what policy makers can do about it.

For health professionals, understanding the different parts of personal wellbeing may offer insights into how their own work fits into a wider context and how what they do can influence wellbeing. For further information, visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/wellbeing-and-health-policy  

Titles include:

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The Challenge for Manchester

27 Jan 2014 - 15:12 by Mike Wild

Before Christmas, Mike Wild (Chief Executive of Macc) and Nigel Rose (Macc’s Strategic Lead on Commissioning) met with Geoff Little (Deputy Chief Executive of Manchester City Council) and Carol Culley (Assistant Chief Executive, Finance and Performance).  We wanted to discuss the impact not just of the next wave of public sector cuts but the prolonged effects of recession. We also wanted to explore the Council’s views on how the voluntary and community sector can rise to meet the challenges faced by the communities in Manchester.

Interested in helping shape NHS health services in Manchester?

15 Jan 2014 - 11:22 by michelle.foster

Do you have experience of the healthcare system as a patient or as a carer? Are you interested in local healthcare issues? The Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) want to hear from you.

North, Central and South Manchester CCGs, each has an established Patient and Public Advisory Group (PPAG) made up of local people that meet each month to help make sure that local plans really do meet the needs of local people.

Interested in joining?

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Healthwatch England: the way forward

9 Jan 2014 - 13:47 by michelle.foster

When Healthwatch launched their Annual Report in October 2013, they started a conversation with the public, their partners and stakeholders about the rights framework.

Healthwatch know there are a number of frameworks already out there, including the NHS constitution, the Think Local Act Personal framework for care and the CQC's fundamental standards. Healthwatch will be working with stakeholders to bring these approaches together to establish a greater awareness of rights and would welcome your views about how they do this.

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BUPA Manchester 10K - 18 May 2014 Running for MASH

9 Jan 2014 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

Are you a serious runner? Complete novice? Gym bunny who wants to get outside? Celeb spotter?

This is a race for anyone, no matter what your ability!

Sign up now to take on the challenge of the nation’s favourite 10K running event, and become part of the team running to raise funds for the MASH's important work with vulnerable women.

The race takes you and 40,000 other runners round the city centre streets, entertained by live music and taking in the sights and sounds of Manchester, all filmed for a live TV audience.

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Central Manchester CCG Fertility survey

8 Jan 2014 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

Have you used infertility services in Manchester?

Central Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) want to hear about your experience. NHS Central Manchester CCG is committed to ensuring that the patient voice is heard and used to shape and improve services.

Central Manchester CCG want to know more about your experiences of the NHS Infertility Services from when you first consulted your GP, right up to being treated at a Specialist Infertility Centre.

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Bid for funding to tackle food poverty

7 Jan 2014 - 12:46 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is inviting voluntary and other third sector groups to bid for a share of a new £250,000 fund which will combat food poverty in the city.

Manchester City Council has made the additional funding available under its Local Welfare Scheme to help the most vulnerable residents in crisis situations, for example the homeless or those fleeing violence or domestic abuse.

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