Health and Wellbeing

Just Psychology Therapeutic Interventions

just psychologyAre you concerned about helping children and families who have recently migrated from other cultures?

Are you looking for therapeutic approaches that address the racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds of children, parents, and families?

The Warm Welcome Toolkit

downloadA warm welcome is essential when encouraging older people to take part in activities and remain connected in their communities, especially if they have faced loneliness or social isolation. The Warm Welcome Toolkit has been created by Ageing Better in Camden after gathering ideas, resources and tips from older people that have been working with and delivery partners who have been running activities for the past seven years.

Caring for Carers from Asian Communities across Greater Manchester

wraparoundAre you a Carer for a child or young person with a disability or care for an adult?
Do you consider yourself to be of Asian Heritage?
Do you want to improve support for Asian Carers across Greater Manchester?
Are you able and willing to listen and learn and share your experiences of your caring role?

DCMS and Arts Council Volunteering Futures Fund

fundingThrough National Lottery Project Grants, the Arts Council are working with Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to create more and better volunteering opportunities for young people and others who experience barriers to have high quality opportunities.

Exploring Urgent and Emergency Care Winter Pressures – VCSE small grants

fundingGreater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) is seeking applications from Greater Manchester Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to develop the NHS's understanding of how people use services in Greater Manchester and why some people inappropriately access urgent and emergency care services. This grants programme is administered by GMCVO.