Directory of groups

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Organisation Name Target Audience Category of Work Where Do They Work? Cash donations Non-cash donations
Chance To Talk CIC Men Mental health Contact us about making a donation.
Charlestown Community Action Group Tenants and residents Charlestown, North
Chatty Tuesdays Disabled people, Older people (over 65 years of age), Refugees and people seeking asylum, Women Helping people from different backgrounds to get on well, Health and wellbeing in general, Tackling loneliness and isolation Burnage, Fallowfield, Withington, South Home made cakes, small, new items are welcome which will be used for Prizes after Bingo or Dominoes.
Cheetham Hill Advice Centre City-Wide Contact our phone line or see Contact us [email protected] about making a donation.
Cheetham Tenants' & Residents' Association Everyone Tenants and resident groups Cheetham Please email: [email protected] to discuss making a donation.
Cheetham United Project People/communities experiencing racial inequalities Equalities and civil rights Cheetham, North
Cheetham United Project People/communities experiencing racial inequalities Equalities and civil rights Cheetham, North
ChildLine North West Young people (aged 13-25) Equalities and civil rights Deansgate
ChildLine North West Young people (aged 13-25) Equalities and civil rights Deansgate
ChildLine NSPCC Young people (aged 13-25), Children 0 -12 City-Wide
China Here And There (CHAT) People/communities experiencing racial inequalities Arts, heritage and culture Didsbury West
Chit Chat Chai People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Children 0 -12, Refugees and people seeking asylum, Unemployed people, Women Community development, Helping people feel that they belong to their community, Helping people from different backgrounds to get on well, Helping people to feel safe, Education, Training and learning, Environment and sustainability, Race (including ethnicity/nationality), Health and wellbeing in general Chorlton, Whalley Range
Choices and Chances Complementary Education Project Young people (aged 13-25) Ancoats and Beswick
Choices and Chances Complementary Education Project Young people (aged 13-25) Ancoats and Beswick
Chorlton Anxiety Group People with mental health problems Wellbeing, Health and Social Care Chorlton
Chorlton Anxiety Group People with mental health problems Wellbeing, Health and Social Care Chorlton
Chorlton Arts Festival Everyone Arts, heritage and culture, Community development Chorlton, Chorlton Park
Chorlton Bike Deliveries Families and lone parents, Older people (over 65 years of age), Refugees and people seeking asylum, Tenants and residents, Unemployed people Campaigning and Lobbying, Capacity building and other support for voluntary or community organisations, Creating work opportunities, Environment and sustainability, Recycling and re-use, Environmental campaigning, Support and services for social enterprises and social entrepreneurs, Travel and Transport, Community transport, Active travel, Health and wellbeing in general Piccadilly, Hulme, Moss Side, Chorlton, Chorlton Park, Didsbury West, Fallowfield, Levenshulme, Old Moat, Whalley Range, Withington Contact us about making a donation to us online. Contact us directly to discuss making a donation.
Chorlton Civic Society Environment and sustainability Chorlton
Chorlton Good Neighbours Older people (over 65 years of age) Wellbeing, Health and Social Care, Tackling loneliness and isolation Chorlton, Chorlton Park, Whalley Range