As momentum gathers around integrated health and social care and children’s health and wellbeing, there are various calls for evidence around the voice of children and young people.
42nd Street with Youth Focus NW and Young Minds are aware of an awful lot of great work that has taken place over recent years to capture this voice and they are trying to gather this into one place and make some central sense of it to inform, amongst other things the GM commissioning framework for CAMHS and a broader charter around children and young people’s health and social care.
If you are happy to share any research, consultation etc. that you have completed email it to: [email protected]
All contributions will be credited and all IP will remain with whoever produced the information, but at this stage the organisation’s felt it was important not to reinvent the wheel or worse still, over consult with young people who have already made their feelings crystal clear.
You can find attached a couple of pieces of work that 42nd Street has been involved with.
This process will be followed up with communications back to you and the wider engagement of children, young people, parents/carers in the near future.