Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership (MCIP) in Manchester has commissioned University Hospital of South Manchester (UHSM) and a company called Dynamic to deliver an e-learning programme for non-…
Southway Housing Trust are based in South Manchester and manage about 6000 homes. They hold three to five Winter Warmth events every year to give people over 50, and not just their tenants, easy…
December 2016 sees the opening of the first Wood Street Mission Christmas Shop. On Friday 2nd December, preparations were being made and they were busy on what was the deadline date for referrals.…
On the night of Thursday 1st December, Church of the Resurrection & St Barnabus provided food and accommodation for 12 people as part of the Greater Manchester Winter Night Shelter project. This…
Manchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing flexible and informal employment support to workless Manchester residents.
In recognition of the valuable role Work…
On Wednesday 30th November, Growing in the City held their regular Men’s Shed Manchester session in Openshaw. People can drop in to take part in outdoor activities such as woodwork and gardening and…
The Police and Crime Commissioner has made a commitment to provide appropriate schemes for children and young people from age 8 years to 25 years with a target range of 11 years to 18 years (…
The Spirit of Women Changemakers small grants programme will fund activity in the UK that improves the wellbeing of women and girls who are subjected to harmful gender norms and stereotypes. The…
The Weston Charity Awards celebrate and support excellent charities working in the fields of Youth, Welfare and Community. This year, the awards will support 18 charities across the North East, North…
Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) is a disabled people's organisation that is 100% run and controlled by disabled people. The organisation campaigns for the rights and full…
4 Steps CIC is a social enterprise based in the iconic 1950s Burnage Community Centre. They run the 4 Steps Enterprise and Learning Centre, a new initiative that combines helping local people gain…
New rules for charity fundraising start on 1 November 2016. They affect the trustees’ annual reports of larger charities that fundraise from the public, as well as the contents of the agreements that…