The Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments Act 2017 makes a number of amendments to the legislation which underpins the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS), introduced in April 2013.…
Early Help Hubs – you’ve probably heard about them! Do you want to understand them better? How they help families by working with them. Have you had experience of using the Early Help Assessment…
Volunteering with Home-Start is a great opportunity to gain skills and experience in dealing with families and children and to do something rewarding through helping local families. If you have a…
Fancy a challenge in 2017 whilst also helping Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) support disadvantaged young people?
Join Team GMYN and take part in either the Great Manchester 10k or Half…
The Orange Club UK, along with Give2Gain Community and Raising the Value have been commissioned by NHS North Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group to design a Strength Based Community Investment…
The University of Salford has partnered with Santander to offer internship opportunities to University of Salford students and graduates. The internships duration will be between 1 and 10 weeks with…
Design and deliver holistic and peer-led employment support with a Journey to Employment Job Club.
The Government’s Work, Health and Disability Green Paper publication announced the introduction of…
Our Manchester: A stocktake of assets used by people with a Learning Disability survey is part of a partnership between Macc and Breakthrough UK. Recent conversations with people with a Learning…
The call focuses on increasing investment by SMEs in research and innovation and increase the number of SMEs engaged in work with research or public institutions and large enterprises to help bring…
The call focuses on engaging and mentoring individuals and communities to strengthen entrepreneurial and enterprise culture. Also, bidders will be supporting start-ups and new businesses to improve…
The biggest beer and cider festival in the North is hoping to attract a new charity partner for 2018 and 2019.
And the ability to scoop up loose change from festivalgoers across the huge floorspace…
Manchester City Council is seeking to have a number of providers on an Approved list who can deliver a range of different options for short break services to children and young people with a…