
103 Regiment in the North West (with centres in Liverpool, Bolton, St Helen's and Manchester) has developed a one day Personal Development Day which provides a no cost opportunity for individuals to…
The closing date for International Women’s Day Award nominations has been extended until 10 December 2013. If you know a fantastic woman or a group of women who deserve recognition, please take this…
Residents are being asked for their views to help Manchester City Council shape the future of mental health and wellbeing services in the city. These are currently provided through a partnership…
Following a campaign by Refugee Action and NCVO, the Home Office issued revised guidance on 28 October making clear that it is not unlawful for refused asylum seekers to volunteer. The guidance now…
Over the last few months, as part of Volunteer Infrastructure Project (VIP) Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) have been visiting organisations, who are working with young people in the central…
Volunteering England and Association of British Insurers short code of practice for volunteers, providing reassurance and basic guidance about the risks of volunteering. "Volunteering is not a…
The participation project at Voluntary Youth Manchester (VYM) has really taken off and consultations have been well underway with young people across the city consulting on what they think a new…
The Roby is a small charity in the heart of Manchester that provides support to people with mental health problems. The Roby have an excellent reputation in Manchester, a hard working staff and…
Manchester City Council have published their first Market Position Statement concerning Adult Social Care. The Market Position Statement forms the basis for future commissioning. It begins with a…
Undiagnosed HIV infection remains unacceptably high among gay and bisexual (GB) men: one in five GB men with HIV do not know they have it, and up to eight in ten new infections in this population are…
For Manchester's voluntary and community groups and volunteers Before booking online, please read the following information carefully. Registration: If you have not yet registered with Volunteer…
Improve your employment opportunities, run your own company and make a difference to the way that the world does business. 16-25 years old? Not got a business background? This is the perfect project…