
The Equalities Team at Manchester City Council is currently in the process of refreshing the annual Communities of Interest (COI) report for 2013. Within the report it will include a chapter on…
Monitor is the sector regulator for health services in England. One of its roles is to ensure that Health and Social Care Act 2012 is implemented and a key focus of the Act is on integrated care. The…
Following the first round of neighbourhood funding Adactus have supported or pledged to support 75 projects across Manchester, Trafford and Cheshire totaling £78,000 in 2013/14. The fund is judged by…
The Royal Brewery Fund’s priority is to encourage and support grass-root community activity. This means small, community-based and locally controlled groups that manage themselves, encourage active…
As you may be aware, earlier this year the City Council launched a competitive tendering process for the contract to provide support to the city's voluntary and community sector for the next three…
There will be a fund of £550k from the three Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) available early January 2014, to Manchester’s Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). The main aim of the…
Manchester wants to end hate crime by building on the city's reputation for celebrating diversity. You can help do this by holding an event or activity in your neighbourhood during Hate Crime…
The fund is available to support small scale community projects that will improve the quality of life for Adactus Group residents and make a real difference to the neighbourhoods where Adactus Group…
Manchester celebrates International Women’s Day every 8 March. The theme for 2014 is Women as Peacemakers. Manchester’s International Women’s Day Women’s Awards 2014 is a great opportunity to…
Europia is offering free support and advice for Eastern European language speakers on the 2nd and the 4th Monday in October to February 2014, 4pm to 7pm at Ada House, 2nd floor, 77 Thompson Street,…
Africans Unite against Child Abuse (AFRUCA) was established in May 2001 as a platform for advocating for the welfare of African children following the deaths of a number of newly-arrived children in…
The Energy Academy is an award winning programme that has been piloted with 5 Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in the Greater Manchester area This Evaluation is being funded by an Awards for All…