
DBS Manchester at the Gaddum Centre are to end the free DBS checking service currently being offered to referred organisations through Volunteer Centre Manchester. To date they have provided over a…
Charities need to register for Charities Online, the Government’s new digital system to claim Gift Aid by 30 September 2013. From 1 October 2013, charities will no longer be able to claim Gift Aid…
The Manchester University Amp programme is a five year research programme focusing on Mental Health in the Black Minority Ethnic communities with a major focus on South Asian Communities The findings…
Volunteer Infrastructure Project (VIP) aims to work with organisations and individuals to build capacity and ability to support volunteers in delivery of youth work, projects and activities in…
Edge Fund supports communities, campaign groups and activists struggling for social, economic and environmental justice, in particular they fund work that:• Is run by and for people facing…
Manchester City Council’s Neighbourhood Sports Fund replaces the previously existing Sport Commission Fund. Administered by the Sports Development Team, The Neighbourhood Sports Fund demonstrates…
There has been a great deal of publicity within the sector lately about the 'Lobbying Bill' and how it could affect the campaigning work of charities. In the run up to the Second Reading of the Bill…
Manchester Community Central is running a series of workshops specifically for voluntary community sector organisations to help secure their future and survive in a rapidly changing business…
The Ministry of Justice has launched the first stage of a tendering process for Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) with an intention to get them in place in 2015. CRCs are a mechanism to move…
There will be a fund of £550k from the three Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) available soon to Manchester’s VCS. The main aim of the programme of work will be to reduce social…
Manchester’s chosen theme for International Women’s Day 2014 is ‘Women as Peacemakers’. Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, International Women’s Day 2014 is…
Manchester Community Choir has over 100 members and has been performing since 1999. Their repertoire includes songs from all parts of the world, both modern and traditional. The Choir appear…