'The Art of Science'- International Women's Day 2013

Date & time: 03 March 2013, 1:20pm - 5:15pm
Manchester Multifaith Centre, Ada House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester, M5 4FY

The Muslim and Jewish Forum Greater Manchester will be hosting it's 5th annual arts event in celebration of International Women's Day 2013 at The Manchester Multifaith Centre. This year's event is bigger than ever with more workshops planned over two weekends! There will be drama, art, dance and creative writing workshops as well as kosher and Asian refreshments!

This year's theme is "The Art of Science" and will be looking at science as a starting point for getting creative. You don't need any background knowledge in science or art! The workshops are about having fun, meeting new women and trying out new things! You are welcome to join us for one workshop or as many as you would like. Places on the workshops are restricted so you must book a place on these.

Please see the attached PDF document which provides further information about the event as well as a description of each of the workshops

To request a booking form or if you have any inquiries please email: [email protected]

Or ring Laura: 07739016394 or Tas: 07939204204

Programme of Events:

Sunday 3rd March 2103

1:20- 1:45 Drinks and Registration for workshop 1

1:45-3:15 Creative Writing and Storytelling Workshop ( with Sahera Parveen)

3:15-3:45 Tea and cakes and registration for workshop 2

3:45-5:15 Drama Workshop (with Eleanor Samson)


Sunday 10th March 2013

1:20-1:45 Drinks and Registration for workshop 1

1:45-3:15 Art Workshop (with Laura Nathan)

3:15-3:45 Tea and Cakes and registration for workshop 2

3:45-5:15 Dance workshop (with Hannah Stappleton)

Best wishes

Tas and Laura
Muslim and Jewish Peer Workers for the Muslim and Jewish Forum of Greater

Attachment Size
MJF International Women's Day 2013.pdf 215.23 KB