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GM Poverty Action Newsletter – 11 March 2020

12 Mar 2020 - 15:57 by michelle.foster

GM Poverty ActionIn the latest newsletter today GM Poverty Action look at the GM Food Poverty Action Plan one year on and share information about the progress made. GM Poverty Action also ask for your contributions to a discussion taking place later this month in London about how the NHS tackles poverty.

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Census Support Service

6 Mar 2020 - 11:27 by michelle.foster

Good Things FoundationGood Things Foundation has been contracted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to support the delivery of the next Census in England and Wales.

In 2021 the Census will be ‘digital first’ and Good Things Foundation will provide support to ensure those without digital skills or digital access can participate.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 26 February 2020

6 Mar 2020 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

GM Poverty ActionIn the latest newsletter GM Poverty Action look at putting poverty high on the agenda as the Mayoral election approaches. There is information about forthcoming training courses, an update on the GM Living Wage campaign.

There is a write up on the recent Talking about Poverty meeting and a few other short articles of interest, as well as the usual list of forthcoming events.

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SMK National Campaigner Awards 2020

19 Feb 2020 - 12:28 by michelle.foster

SMK Awards 2020Nominations for the 2020 SMK National Campaigner Awards are now open. Each year, SMK celebrates the best campaigns and campaigners – local, national, individuals, community groups, charities any shape or any size. SMK are interested in finding those who have made change happen – most effectively, creatively and courageously.

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Consultation on The Local Plan

13 Feb 2020 - 15:14 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilManchester City Council is beginning a review of the Core Strategy, its Local Plan and the saved policies from the Unitary Development Plan. The first stage is to consider the issues the plan should cover and the Council is asking for your views. Consultation on the Local Plan Issues document will run until Friday 3 April 2020. A series of drop-in events will be held across the city.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter – 12 February 2020

13 Feb 2020 - 15:02 by michelle.foster

Gm Poverty ActionIn the latest newsletter from GM Poverty Action they take a look at JRF’s UK Poverty 2019/20 report and consider what can be done locally. There is a role for a facilitator with the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission and an update on the GM Living Wage campaign. There is information about a new online policy toolkit which you may find helpful and United Utilities report on their Affordability Summit.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter – 29 January 2020

31 Jan 2020 - 10:45 by michelle.foster

GM Poverty ActionIn the latest GM Poverty Action newsletter the 7 organisations who have already signed up as Principal Partners of GMPA for 2020 are confirmed. There is information about the Turn2us ‘Living Without’, Jubilee Debt and GM Living Wage campaigns. You can read about the Addressing Poverty by Lived Experience Collective and there are the usual forthcoming events.

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