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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 20 November 2019

22 Nov 2019 - 10:33 by michelle.foster

GM Poverty ActionIn the latest newsletter there is an article by JRF’s Frank Soodeen on the importance of low income voters, a write up on this summer’s Healthy Holiday Voucher scheme in Salford and a final Inclusive Economy case study. Kelloggs are looking for more schools to apply for a Breakfast Club grant, Breakthrough UK need a consultant or two, Manchester City Council would like your help with a survey and there are some forthcoming events.

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Doing Buses Differently – proposed franchising scheme for Greater Manchester

6 Nov 2019 - 12:24 by michelle.foster

Doing Buses DifferentlyThe consultation is about how buses in Greater Manchester should be run in the future and whether the proposed franchising scheme should be introduced. The consultation questions are about the proposed franchising scheme, which is how the Greater Manchester Combined Authority propose bus franchising would work in practice.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 6 November 2019

6 Nov 2019 - 11:56 by michelle.foster

GM Poverty ActionIn the latest newsletter GM Poverty Action share information about Living Wage Week events across Greater Manchester and how you can get involved. Katy Jones writes for GMPA about a project looking at Universal Credit and the controversial in-work conditionality. There is also an uplifting account of Urban Outreach’s Christmas hampers. Do you have a similar activity? You can share it with GM Poverty Action.  

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Wynnstay Grove proposed Public Space Protection Order consultation

1 Nov 2019 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilThe public consultation into clinic harassment in Fallowfield, Manchester is now open. Manchester Council have launched this consultation as part of their investigation into whether a Public Spaces Protection Order, a.k.a ‘safe zone’, is needed.

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Expressions of Interest invited to form a new VCSE Mental Health Leadership Group

11 Oct 2019 - 11:08 by michelle.foster

The Greater Manchester VCSE Mental Health Forum is in the process of evolving the way that the VCSE sector works with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the wider system around mental health.

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Macc wins Manchester Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Contract

4 Oct 2019 - 14:09 by michelle.foster

MaccAs you may be aware, earlier this year Manchester City Council and Manchester Health and Care Commissioning launched a competitive tendering process for the contract to provide support to the city's voluntary and community sector for the next three years. We are delighted to announce that Macc has been awarded this contract.

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