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Fight the #AntiRefugeeLaws – sign up to the pledge

26 May 2022 - 11:48 by michelle.foster

Refugees abandon their homes to escape war and persecution. They have to seek safety elsewhere. The right to do so, set out in the 1951 Refugee Convention, has protected millions worldwide fight the anti refugee lawsfor decades.

Today, in the UK, the anti-refugee laws are putting that basic right under threat. Unless we fight back, Britain’s days as a safe haven could be over.

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GM Poverty Monitor 2022

25 May 2022 - 14:43 by michelle.foster

The Greater Manchester Poverty Action have launched the Greater Manchester Poverty Monitor 2022. The Poverty Monitor reveals the scale of poverty across Greater Manchester and covers ten digital heritage hubthemes: Child poverty, debt, deprivation, educational attainment, fuel and food insecurity, health, homelessness, housing, social security and the labour market.

Key findings for the whole of Greater Manchester include:

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Have your say on support services to help you

6 Apr 2022 - 09:16 by michelle.foster

Are you a voluntary or community group or a social enterprise in Manchester? Have your say on support services to help you!

have your sayManchester City Council and Manchester Health Care Commissioning have commissioned Forever Consulting to find out what support voluntary and community groups and social enterprises in Manchester need to deliver their work and achieve their goals.

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New Work and Skills Strategy for Manchester consultation

24 Mar 2022 - 15:54 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are refreshing the city’s approach to work and skills up to 2027 and we want to make sure it works for the whole city.

Manchester City Council have spoken to people across Manchester and come up with some new priorities to work on together and they’d like to hear your views on whether these priorities are the right ones for our city.

Manchester Coty Council’s priorities are to help make Manchester:

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 23 March 2022

24 Mar 2022 - 15:49 by michelle.foster

The latest GM Poverty Action newsletter looks at the new report by the Child Poverty Action Group on the cost of the school day in England from the pupils perspective. There is a very interesting job opportunity with GMPA, as well as with FareShare GM and the Manchester Homelessness Partnership.

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