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GM Poverty Action newsletter 2 March 2022

3 Mar 2022 - 09:27 by michelle.foster

In the latest newsletter GM Poverty Action look at how they can respond locally to the cost-of-living crisis, and report on new initiatives to support families from Tameside Council and Street Support. Tameside Poverty Truth Commission profiles one of the commissioners, there are updates from the GM Living Wage campaign and from the Money Advice Tools programme in Greater Manchester, and there are number of shorter articles and job opportunities.

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Things you can do to support Ukraine

2 Mar 2022 - 11:44 by michelle.foster

We have put together a list of articles and resources where you can find information on how to make donations and how to support Ukraine and Ukrainians. You can also find an article which ukrainediscusses the potential impact of the crisis, following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Things you can do to support Ukraine

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 9 February 2022

9 Feb 2022 - 14:24 by michelle.foster

The latest GM Poverty Action newsletter celebrates their current Principal Partners. There is a farewell to Tom and Emily, who are moving on to new jobs. The GM Living Wage Campaign has a newslettermeeting coming up for anyone keen to be a part of making Greater Manchester a Real Living Wage city region.

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Blagrave Charitable Trust grants to support youth involvement in policy-making

7 Feb 2022 - 14:37 by michelle.foster

Charitable and not-for-profit organisations supporting young people (aged 16 to 25) facing disadvantage across England can now apply for their share of a £350,000 funding pot aimed at policy fundingwork. The funding is to support young people to influence government policy and decision-making.

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Learning from Failure – Airing our dirty laundry: Call for storytellers

3 Feb 2022 - 14:05 by michelle.foster

GMCVO and partners are looking for short contributions for a day-long ‘Learning from Failure’ event on 23 June 2022 in Manchester. GMCVO have received funding from Voluntary Sector Studies Network to create a space for people working in, with and funding the VCSE sector to talk about:

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Connect with the work of the GM VCSE Leadership Group

27 Jan 2022 - 13:29 by michelle.foster

The GM VCSE Leadership Group are a coalition of 20 leaders working to promote the role and involvement of the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester. Work covers areas such as mental health, homelessness, commissioning, population health, equalities, inclusive economy and workforce development. The group are also working alongside GM Combined Authority and GM Health and Social Care Partnership on behalf of the VCSE sector to deliver the VCSE Accord.

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Power up

19 Jan 2022 - 15:52 by michelle.foster

Power up is a free development programme run by Manchester Women’s Aid and Reclaim where you will learn the art of campaigning in a supportive inclusive space. Featuring weekly Zoom sessions and monthly group meet up in Manchester.

community activistsJoin a supportive community of activists.

Develop campaigns which demand gender justice.

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Have your say on Manchester City Council’s budget 2022/23

19 Jan 2022 - 14:55 by michelle.foster

manchester city councilManchester City Council is asking for your to help make sure their priorities still reflect Manchester people's.

Manchester City Council won't need to make savings beyond efficiencies already identified but decisions they make now will affect future budgets.

Manchester City Council are also having to consider raising their element of Council Tax.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 19 January 2022

19 Jan 2022 - 14:53 by michelle.foster

gmpaIn their latest newsletter GM Poverty Action have included details about two jobs they are currently recruiting to, there is information about a British Red Cross report and a Save the Children webinar. Their programmes are also featured with the GM Living Wage campaign gearing up for a busy 2022 and the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission sharing one of the commissioner’s stories.

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