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Miles Platting You Decide 2013

13 Jun 2013 - 17:54 by michelle.foster

Do you have an idea to make Miles Platting a better place for everyone?
Do you require up to £3,000 to put your idea into action?
Would you like a say in what groups or ideas get funding to develop projects in Miles Platting?

Adactus Housing has once again set aside a pot of money and would like to put you in control of how it’s spent. ‘Miles Platting ‐ You Decide’ lets residents of Miles Platting decide for themselves which projects are needed in their area.

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People’s Health Trust - Active Communities

13 Jun 2013 - 17:52 by michelle.foster

Active Communities is for local people with great ideas about how to help create fairer places to grow, live, work and age well. People’s Health Trust are looking for people with great ideas which will create stronger connections between people and help make their local neighbourhoods even better.

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Offer of rent and rates free space for Charities in Old Trafford, Manchester

13 Jun 2013 - 17:51 by michelle.foster

Avire have an opportunity for charities looking for additional space to use on a rent and rates free basis.

Avire have several floors of Office Space which can be used for storage purposes, meeting rooms, training rooms or just as an office.

If any Charity is looking for additional space to use Avire can offer a 36 month lease with a 28 day rolling break clause.

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VM Movement Thoughtful Thursdays - For Volunteer Managers

13 Jun 2013 - 17:07 by michelle.foster

VM Movement are all about championing volunteer management & helping managers of volunteers to connect, learn & share stuff. It is run entirely through voluntary contribution of volunteer managers, and they’re always happy to hear from other volunteer managers who want to get involved.

The VM Movement lead an informal learning and discussion chat on twitter every Thursday, called Thoughtful Thursday (#ttvolmgrs), which is a great way of sharing your ideas, opinions, thoughts, etc. with other people who carry out a similar role.

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Could You Be A Digital Champion?

13 Jun 2013 - 17:06 by michelle.foster

Do you already help someone pay bills or shop online? If you do, you're already a digital champion. Why not sign up and see what additional help and support are on offer to you.

Whatever your level of expertise we can help you develop your own skills so you can learn and support others at the same time.

You may already know who can help you and where you can offer support, but if you don’t, we can link you to an opportunity to volunteer.

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Have You Always Wanted To Learn How To Use The Internet?

13 Jun 2013 - 17:04 by michelle.foster

Go-ON Manchester‘s aim is to help and support Manchester residents to make the most of the web. Whether you’re using email or searching the internet to pay your bills or do shopping, we can introduce you to the online world and help you to take advantage of the benefits this brings.

By people having the chance to go online you can improve wellbeing, quality of life and employment opportunities.

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Charity Commission Offers Free Strategy Review to 25 Charities

12 Jun 2013 - 15:31 by michelle.foster

The Charity Commission is seeking 25 volunteer charities to take part in a new project examining strategy development, implementation and review.

The project has been launched by the Charity Commission in partnership with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Each charity will receive a free consultation by experienced accountants on its policies, procedures and practices relating to strategic planning, with the collective outcome of the review providing important feedback to the Charity Commission regarding sector practices in this area.

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Support for groups applying to The Mental Wellbeing Services Grant

The Mental Wellbeing Services Grant, by Manchester City Council, will be prioritised on services that improve people’s mental health and wellbeing. The objective is to move towards an approach that requires services to be pro-active in encouraging people to do more for themselves, to balance the promotion of better mental health and wellbeing, together with care and treatment when appropriate. Applications must be able to identify which of the Five Ways to Wellbeing their project delivers.

The deadline to submit applications is: Monday 24 June 2013, 10:00

Walking the Breadline: The scandal of food poverty in 21st-century Britain - Report

12 Jun 2013 - 13:43 by margot.sullivan

Walking the Breadline: The scandal of food poverty in 21st-century Britain

Published 30 May 2013
Details: Authors, Cooper, Niall & Dumpleton, Sarah
ISBN: 978-1-78077-334-6
Publisher: Oxfam GB & Church Action on Poverty
Type: Research report

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