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Every Can Counts

19 Jun 2013 - 13:31 by margot.sullivan

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of National Recycling Week (17-23
June) EMERGE is launching the Every Can Counts scheme to provide
businesses in the Manchester area with a recycling service for drinks
cans which is attractive, flexible and above all, effective.

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Matching accountants with charities seeking volunteers

18 Jun 2013 - 11:53 by michelle.foster

A free service to connect accountants who want to volunteer with charities that need help from financial experts has been launched by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Chartered Accountants' Benevolent Association.

The website, www.icaewvolunteers.com, allows not-for-profit organisations, including charities, social enterprises and schools, to post an unlimited number of roles for free.

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Wythenshawe Community Housing Group Regeneration Strategy Consultation for youth organisations

18 Jun 2013 - 11:51 by michelle.foster

Can you help with a consultation 10 question survey as part of the Wythenshawe Community Housing Group Regeneration strategy review.

Wythenshawe Community Housing Group are in the process of reviewing the Regeneration strategy as they begin to look at Regeneration across the whole of Wythenshawe as Wythenshawe Community Housing Group.

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Recent comments from Manchester... a response

17 Jun 2013 - 16:52 by Mike Wild

Judging by the phone calls, emails and tweets I and my colleagues have had, the report in Third Sector of comments by Geoff Little (Deputy CEO of Manchester City Council) addressing the Charity Finance Group conference earlier this week has sent a shockwave around the voluntary and community sector not just in Manchester but the rest of the country too.

Consultant Brief- Third Sector Infrastructure Support to Commissioning Processes

14 Jun 2013 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

Macc is the largest provider of infrastructure services to the voluntary and community sector in Manchester. It works cooperatively with a number of other infrastructure support organisations in the city.

This consultancy forms part of the Big Lottery Transforming Local Infrastructure Project (TLI) co-ordinated by Macc. One of the aims of TLI is to find additional ways of financing local infrastructure support of voluntary and community organisations (VCS).

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RISE - Learn first aid and leadership skills with RISE

14 Jun 2013 - 14:26 by cheryl.mcalister

RISE is an exciting project designed and led by young people, for young people.

Created by St John Ambulance, the nation’s leading first aid charity, the project has been running since 2009, and is now available in communities across the country.
If you’re aged between 16 and 25 years old, and are not in employment, education or training, RISE could help you learn new skills, and improve your prospects. The project’s not just for the under 25s, though - contact the RISE office to find out if you’re eligible to get involved.

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Volunteering Centre Manchester Evaluation Questionnaire for Organisations

13 Jun 2013 - 17:56 by michelle.foster

It's that time of year again. We were wondering if you could spare a few minutes to complete a quick questionnaire to find out how we are doing.

There are 8 tick box questions relating to brokerage, good practice and developing opportunities so should take only two minutes to complete.

To complete the survey, please visit: www.surveymonkey.com/s/SZX5359

Many thanks for your help.

Mark Pritchard
Volunteer Centre Manager
Volunteer Centre Manchester


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