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Unfair WCA petition

15 Jul 2013 - 13:59 by john.butler

One of rethinks supporters, Dick Acworth, has launched an online petition asking the Department of Work & Pensions to stop the re-assessment of people with mental health problems through the Work Capability Assessment (WCA), until the test is fixed. they've had an incredible 5,000 signatures in five days - but really need your help to spread the word.

To get a copy of the petition please contact [email protected] or call 020 7840 3147.

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Help a student gain valuable experience, get 70-100 hours help in your organisation and £1,000!

12 Jul 2013 - 14:19 by michelle.foster

Would your organisation benefit from a social work student to help you?

How it works?
Universities are looking for placements for their social work students and particularly value placements in the voluntary and community sector.

The student gets important experience, you get 70-100 hours free help and you also get a one off payment of £1,000.

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Manchester Community Central - Training Needs Questionnaire 2013

12 Jul 2013 - 10:14 by michelle.foster

Strong and healthy organisations need well-trained staff and members to operate effectively.

Please can you spare 5-10 minutes to complete the latest questionnaire by clicking here

The questionnaire offers an ideal opportunity for voluntary community organisations and volunteers to identify specific training needs.

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Apprenticeships - Join the Revolution

10 Jul 2013 - 13:53 by michelle.foster

For those leaving school or college, apprenticeships are an opportunity to earn while you learn. Apprenticeships are real jobs and real careers with training, working towards nationally recognised qualifications.

Apprenticeships are real jobs and real careers with training. As paid employees, apprentices earn a wage and learn on the job. They go to college and work towards nationally recognised qualifications.

Many employers see apprentices as the best way of growing their business with loyal and qualified employees.

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Together Works - Supporting Community Initiatives programme

10 Jul 2013 - 12:24 by michelle.foster

Together Works is the Social Enterprise Network for Greater Manchester. Using their experience of building sustainable finance models, they have designed a programme to support community groups, charities or start-up enterprises to develop their proposal to sustain or improve the assets and services loved and valued by local communities in the region.

Together Works are seeking applications from people, groups or organisations with:
• Innovative ideas
• A strong cause
• Enthusiasm
• Commitment

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Highway Hope

Highway Hope engage the community by offering sessions that are open to everyone, like creative writing workshops, cooking, jewellery making, etc.

People have access to a place where they feel safe, are engaged and meet with others. They build relationships within their community which they wouldn’t have had an opportunity to had they stayed at home.

Donations would be spent on materials for the sessions.

Spirit of Manchester Awards launched!

8 Jul 2013 - 11:16 by hannah.powell

Does your community group or a volunteer you know deserve recognition for all their hard work? Macc has launched a series of awards for the voluntary and community sector in Manchester supported by the Voluntary Sector Assembly. We want to celebrate and highlight all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. The awards will be presented at a special ceremony at the end of September which will include short films of the shortlisted nominees made by the Manchester Community Reporters.

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Framework Agreement for the Provision of Troubled Families Interventions

4 Jul 2013 - 16:57 by Nigel Rose
Manchester City Council (MCC) is very keen for organisations to apply for a new opportunity advertised on The Chest to be part of a preferred providers list for services for Troubled Families. The closing date is 19th July. They are hoping that a large number of organisations, small and large, offering a very wide range of services are successful in meeting the basic quality requirements.
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