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Together Works: Social Investment Readiness Programme for Manchester Social Enterprises

30 Jul 2013 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

Together Works is the social enterprise network for Greater Manchester and they are supporting Manchester-based organisations to create or improve their business plans to enable them to secure income by trading for profit.

The Social Enterprise sector is the fastest growing sector in the UK and can help Greater Manchester’s economy grow and create sustainable jobs. Many organisations and people have great ideas or are already successfully trading on a small scale but don’t feel ready or able to scale up. Together Works can help.

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Right to Control

29 Jul 2013 - 16:03 by michelle.foster

Developing the Skills of Disabled People and their organisations to provide Whole Life Planning and Peer Support to Disabled People

From the end of August through till the end of November the Manchester Area Partnership will be providing free knowledge sharing opportunities, briefings, training events and 1:1 business coaching.

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Spirit of Manchester

26 Jul 2013 - 16:14 by Mike Wild

I've mentioned previously that there's a danger that this blog becomes a series of rants about things I'm angry about. Well not today, at least!

Our State of the Voluntary Sector report shows there are over 3000 voluntary and community groups in Manchester. I don't know them all but I do know a lot of them and one of the great pleasures of my job is that I get to see some of the amazing things happening in groups across Manchester and meet some fantastic people.

Mental Health Commissioning Intentions Survey

26 Jul 2013 - 15:33 by john.butler

Since April 2013, North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups have taken on responsibility for organising and paying for NHS Mental Health services in Manchester. They have just released their draft commissioning intentions document that describes how they think Mental Health services should look by 2015. You can find out more at their web pagehttp://www.manchester.nhs.uk/commissioning/mental-health-commissioning-i... .

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Get your nomination in for a Spirit of Manchester Award by Friday!

26 Jul 2013 - 10:00 by michelle.foster

Don't miss this chance to highlight your work and gain recognition. The Spirit of Manchester Awards, managed by Macc, celebrate and highlight all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester in these hard times. Make sure you get your nominations in by the end of Friday 2 August.

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Google for Nonprofits programme is extended to charities in England and Wales

26 Jul 2013 - 09:59 by michelle.foster

The Google for Nonprofits programme, which offers charities free and discounted access to online collaboration tools, advice, and free Google advertising, has now been extended to charities registered in England and Wales. Previously it was available only to eligible nonprofits in the USA since it was established in 2011.

Charities approved for the Google for Nonprofits programme in the UK will receive at no charge access to:

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Hate Crime Strategy – Third Party Reporting Centres

26 Jul 2013 - 09:56 by michelle.foster

In January this year, The Manchester Community Safety Partnership launched its new Hate Crime Strategy - Let's End Hate Crime for Manchester.

This strategy sets out a clear vision for tackling hate crime in Manchester against the following five key partnership priorities:
1. Prevent hate crime
2. Increase the reporting of hate crime and hate incidents
3. Take effective action against perpetrators
4. Support victims of hate crime
5. Improve partnership responses

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