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Spot Purchasing

4 Jul 2013 - 16:48 by Nigel Rose
Spot purchasing is a new and strange idea to many voluntary organisations but is becoming more common as public bodies seek to reduce costs. It can be a far riskier form of funding if it contributes significantly to the financial viability of an organisation, as there are usually no guarantees of income, unlike grants or fixed contracts. This article examines a few of the considerations that need to be taken into account when developing a pricing plan

Family Action Manchester Young Carers Service - Referral Pathway

4 Jul 2013 - 10:12 by michelle.foster

Family Action Manchester Young Carers have been commissioned by Manchester City Council to provide a city wide family support and respite service for young carers aged 8 -18.

Family Action Manchester are in the process of making alterations to their current referral process and have been liaising with Manchester City Council and the MCAF Team to incorporate the MCAF (Manchester Common Assessment Framework) into their work with Young Carers.

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Time to Change grants fund round 4 opens 17 July

3 Jul 2013 - 11:48 by john.butler

Does your organisation have strong links to the communities you represent?
Are you looking for funding to make a difference locally?

Time to Change funds projects that change public attitudes to mental health.
Our projects bring together people with and without mental health problems and create opportunities for meaningful one-to-one conversations. 
Round 4 of the Time to Change grants fund opens on 17 July

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Making an audio piece

A short audio piece (preferably a couple of minutes) can have a strong impact and convey the importance of your work. Audio can often be stronger than video as you need to concentrate and each listener can create their own images in their imagination. It can sometimes be more appropriate than film to and easier to get people involved in.

Here are some resources to help you think about why you might use audio, the best way to use it and tips on editing using Audacity (a free editing package). Remember it should be 80% planning 20% doing!

Making a film

A short film (preferably no more than three minutes) is a great way to tell your story and show the impact your work is having on either an end user or volunteer on your project. Here are some resources to help you think about how to tell your story, planning the footage you need and tips to editing using VideoPad (a free editing package). Remember it should be 80% planning 20% doing!
