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Manchester Volunteer Centre- Volunteering Experience Survey

Increased greatlyIncreasedStayed the sameNot relevant
My personal development (e.g. confidence, self-esteem, trying new things etc.)
My social life (e.g. meeting new people, visiting different places, etc.)
My skills (e.g. communication, working in a team, etc.)
My general health and well-being
My ability to enter employment (if relevant)
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Connect to Support Manchester - launches June 2013

10 Jun 2013 - 12:12 by michelle.foster

Connect to Support, is Manchester’s new online Social Care marketplace and Manchester City Council are encouraging all providers to take advantage of this new and exciting way to market and transact their products and services.

Manchester City Council have collaborated with a number of other local authorities to provide Connect to Support - a web-based platform for a diverse, competitive, regional social care marketplace, where people can find products, services and activities to meet their needs.

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Visits to Co-operatives & Social Enterprises 22 June - 6 July 2013

7 Jun 2013 - 13:06 by margot.sullivan

Interested in finding out more about co-operatives and social enterprises in Greater Manchester?
Want to attend visits, but need your travel costs paid?

Co-operatives2020 are offering a series of FREE visits in Greater Manchester to celebrate Co-operatives Fortnight! Find out more about co-operative and enterprising ways of working in diverse sectors – including the arts, food, environment, retail and workspaces. Be inspired by positive, practical solutions, gain knowledge, meet the hosts and show your support for the local economy!

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Lets Get the Greater Manchester Food Revolution Moving

6 Jun 2013 - 17:09 by sarah.gilston

Join in supporting Manchester Veg People's CrowdFunding Campaign
8 June-20 July
Manchester Veg People is a co-operative of local organic growers and restaurants working together to provide fresh, seasonal food of the highest possible quality. In their first year they sold fresh local produce with a value of £22,000 despite not having their own vehicle and premises. Imagine what they could do this year and in future years with your help.

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Free HIV Training from Brook

30 May 2013 - 17:38 by sarah.gilston

Brook Manchester have been successful in securing funds to deliver free HIV resource training in Manchester. The training is designed for existing and experienced staff who work directly with young people. The resources are designed to fit into various subjects in Science, Citizenship, English and Media at Key Stages 3 and 4.

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Campaign to change people's negative perception of Young People

30 May 2013 - 17:30 by sarah.gilston

 The Manchester Youth Council is running a campaign to change people's negative perception of Young People.

To promote this campaign and get young people involved they have decided to run a competition to promote their campaign, and have designed a poster to promote it.

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