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Lloyds Bank Foundation's guide: What to expect when you're expecting a general election

12 Jun 2024 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

Your guide to what’s going on, why you should pay attention and what it means for you and the people who use your services.

This guide for small and local charities explains why a general election important for small and local charities; Build relationships with MPs; Support the people who use your services to vote.

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Shared Topic Areas: 

Manchester Social Economy Alliance SOUP Event convened by Flourish

12 July, 2024 - 16:00 to 19:00

This event combines a networking event for those involved in, supporting and interested in social enterprise and local community enterprise, plus a pitching event to showcase social ventures and help the community decide where to invest some cash.

On the night 3-5 Social Ventures will pitch for cash and support on the night and there will be some fab food whilst casting your votes.

Money from all tickets sold will go directly into the pitch fund for this event.

Shared Topic Areas: 

VCSE Data and Intelligence Peer Learning Network

22 July, 2024 - 13:30 to 16:30

You are invited to join a new Peer Learning Network aimed at people in the VCSE sector workforce in Greater Manchester who work with data, as part or all of their role. People in data focused roles in the VCSE sector told us they can experience professional isolation, and would value more opportunities to connect with and learn from others in similar roles.

Shared Topic Areas: 

Managing Volunteers

All the hard work that goes into recruiting volunteers is often lost due to lack of management.

We will use a variety of learning methods to help you ensure that your volunteers are managed well.

This course is suitable for paid staff and volunteers who have a responsibility for managing volunteers.

Date: Friday 14 March 2025

Time: 10:30 - 12:30

14 March, 2025 - 10:30 to 12:30
Delivered via Zoom
Shared Topic Areas: 

Managing Volunteers

All the hard work that goes into recruiting volunteers is often lost due to lack of management.

We will use a variety of learning methods to help you ensure that your volunteers are managed well.

This course is suitable for paid staff and volunteers who have a responsibility for managing volunteers.

Date: Tuesday 19 November 2024

19 November, 2024 - 10:30 to 12:30
Delivered via Zoom
Shared Topic Areas: 
