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UK Older People’s Day 1 October 2012 - Online Survey

31 Aug 2012 - 10:24 by michelle.foster

This year’s UK Older People’s Day is about sharing skills and experience within your own age group or different generations. So, take time out of your day to celebrate the contribution older people make in your communities. On this Older People’s Day do something different and join in the ‘Big Skill Share’.

The Beth Johnson Foundation would like to invite everyone who is over the age of 50, and your older network members (50+), to take part in a short survey to help them collect information on the 2012 UK Older People’s Day theme of ‘Big Skills Share’.

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Cash for Kids Greater Manchester

31 Aug 2012 - 10:19 by michelle.foster

Cash for Kids is the official charity of Key 103 & Magic 1152 and provides a helping hand to disabled and disadvantaged children across Greater Manchester.

Each year they hope to have thousands of pounds available for grants to children’s charities, individuals and many other causes throughout their transmission area.

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Take part in a BBC documentary

30 Aug 2012 - 13:25 by michelle.foster

Landmark Films on behalf of the BBC are working on a documentary and they are looking to speak with local individuals who help out in the community litter picking or clearing up the streets of dog fouling because they have a passion and pride for their area.

In the documentary Landmark Films want to tackle the issue of litter, which is becoming increasingly problematic in modern society and a real nuisance, and talk to the people who are trying to do something about it on a regular basis.

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Was your organisation unsuccessful in applying for NLDC and/or CLIF this year?

30 Aug 2012 - 12:51 by michelle.foster

The Learning, Skills and Employment Network (LSEN) is keen to make contact with any organisations which were unsuccessful in their applications for Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) funding through Manchester Adult Education Service and / or the Community Learning Innovation Fund (CLIF) through NIACE.

The CLIF funding opportunity was massively oversubscribed with more than 2,200 bids totalling almost £90million worth of activity against a total allocation of just £4million

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Tender opportunity - Manchester Transforming Local Infrastructure Partnership Independent Chair

28 Aug 2012 - 13:57 by michelle.foster

As part of the national Transforming Local Infrastructure initiative, Macc successfully led a partnership to obtain a grant from the Office for Civil Society via Big Fund (the non lottery funding arm of the Big Lottery Fund).

The purpose of the Transforming Local Infrastructure programme is to provide better support for frontline voluntary and community sector organisations through change and redevelopment.

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Equalities Funding Review

28 Aug 2012 - 11:13 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council’s Third Sector team is looking at new ways of allocating equalities funding. By combining the Race, Disability, LGBT and Gender pots of funding the Council can achieve its equality targets more effectively.

The public consultation that runs from the end of August until the end of October will give organisations and the general public an opportunity to express their views on the review.

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Volunteer Centre Manchester Survey

24 Aug 2012 - 12:11 by michelle.foster

Have You Accessed Volunteer Centre Manchester Services?
Would you like to win a free place on our Volunteer and the Law Training?
Then read on

Volunteer Centre Manchester is in the process of evaluating the service we provide to Manchester organisations

The survey aims to discover your expectations from Volunteer Centre Manchester, your views on the overall recruitment process and the services we provide. It also gives you the opportunity to add any of your own ideas on what you would like us to provide you.

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Be Proud Awards 2012 - nominate now

24 Aug 2012 - 12:09 by michelle.foster

The Be Proud Awards are the ideal way to recognise and celebrate Manchester’s community heroes, rewarding volunteering excellence and outstanding spirit in our neighbourhoods. This is your opportunity to recognise those who have worked hard to change and improve the lives of others.

If you know someone who goes the extra mile to make a difference in your area, you can use the nomination form below or nominate them online at: www.manchester.gov.uk/beproud.

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African Health Needs Assessment – Focus Groups

24 Aug 2012 - 12:06 by michelle.foster

An African Health Needs Assessment has been commissioned by the Department of Health (DoH) and is being led by the Terrence Higgins Trust and a number of other partners.

Although The Terrence Higgins Trust is an HIV charity, this part of the project is a more general assessment of health needs of specifically Black African people living in the UK.

All of this will be fed back to the DoH to help them shape their funding and resources to ensure they meet the needs of UK citizens.

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