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Applications to join Greater Manchester Combined Youth Authority are now open

21 Dec 2021 - 15:54 by michelle.foster

youth combined authorityAre you a young person in Greater Manchester? Do you have a passion for social change and do you want to influence the decision-making process in the city-region? If so, applications to join the Greater Manchester Youth Combined Authority (GMYCA) are now open and youth organisations are encouraged to apply!

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Framework 4 of Margin to Centre – A fund for Black and Minoritised Women and Girls’ Sector

17 Dec 2021 - 09:40 by michelle.foster

fundingImkaan is pleased to announce a new fund for specialist Black and minoritised women and girls' organisations who deliver frontline support addressing violence against women and girls (VAWG).

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Applications now open for ‘Pilotlight 360’ Charity Leadership Support

16 Dec 2021 - 15:20 by michelle.foster

pilotlightApplications for Pilotlight 360 are now open for charities and social enterprises based across the UK.  

Leaders of ambitious organisations tackling social disadvantage in the UK can apply for the innovative free Pilotlight 360 mentoring programme, designed to tackle the issues they are facing and amplify their impact.

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