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Coffee4Craig are recruiting trustees

30 Sep 2021 - 14:53 by michelle.foster

coffee 4 craigCoffee4Craig was founded in 2013 by Risha and Hendrix Lancaster following the death of Risha’s brother Craig White, who died of a heroin overdose whilst sleeping on the streets in Cardiff. Coffee4Craig was born in his memory and started as a simple idea that if you pass someone sleeping on the streets, buy them a coffee and say, 'This is from Craig'. From these beginnings, Coffee4Craig has continued to grow and develop.

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Manchester Jewish Museum are recruiting for new volunteers

30 Sep 2021 - 14:51 by michelle.foster

manchester jewsih museumDo you want to be part of a brand new museum? Do you want to help bring people together and share Jewish stories with the world? Do you want to support one of Manchester’s most beautiful historic buildings?

Manchester Jewish Museum are recruiting a number of volunteer roles:

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Award-winning music and dementia charity Playlist for Life is bringing the power of personal playlists to Manchester

30 Sep 2021 - 14:48 by michelle.foster

playlost for lifeMusic and dementia charity Playlist for Life is inviting community groups and organisations across the UK to join their free Help Point network to share the power of personal music for people living with dementia, their families and carers.  

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New Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector Accord signed with Greater Manchester Leaders

30 Sep 2021 - 14:46 by michelle.foster

gm vcse leadedership groupGreater Manchester leaders in local government, health and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) have signed a new GM VCSE Accord to work together in a collaborative way to tackle entrenched inequalities.

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North West Cyber Resilience Centre – Fully-funded program of support for small businesses

30 Sep 2021 - 14:43 by michelle.foster

north west cyber resilience centreThe North West Cyber Resilience Centre want to help raise awareness of the cyber threats that come with moving online and provide practical support to help protect small businesses based in Greater Manchester from online crime.

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Free mindfulness for wellbeing online courses

30 Sep 2021 - 14:41 by michelle.foster

breathworksDo you or your service users suffer with chronic illness, disability or pain?

Join free online courses in mindfulness skills for health and wellbeing

This autumn, Manchester City Council is funding free spaces for Manchester City residents on mindfulness courses for people with challenging health conditions including long covid, pain and disabilities of any kind, as well as for carers and family supporters.

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Sign up to be part Scope’s Research Panel

30 Sep 2021 - 14:39 by michelle.foster

scopeScope’s Research Panel is a group of disabled people (and parents and carers of disabled children) who take part in research projects with Scope. Scope are looking for new people to sign up.

It’s a great way for disabled people to use their lived experiences and have their say, and get vouchers as a thank you for their time and effort.

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Larger Us programme: Become a stronger, better, kinder change-maker

30 Sep 2021 - 14:37 by michelle.foster

larger usThe Larger Us programme pilot programme is designed for people who want to heal divisions and find long term solutions for the issues they care about.

This is a programme for people who want to improve the state of their community, country or even the world by finding solutions that work for the long-term.

This pilot 3 month programme is for people who:

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Online Visual Impairment Awareness Training - Now we need to know even more

30 Sep 2021 - 11:23 by helen.walker

“We have just brought in a new online Visual Impairment Awareness Training module to sit alongside our face to face and virtually delivered sessions. We decided to pursue an online platform as we found that some organisations were finding it hard to either get people together at one time in a room or to get everyone to log on for a virtual session at the same time, but still wanted to access the training which they can now do so on an individual basis. Anyone can access it and the feedback we have had so far has been great”. Josh, Henshaws

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