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Manchester City of Sanctuary - The beauty of cultivating smiles

29 Sep 2021 - 12:12 by helen.walker

“Music gives me a good feeling. It is so nice that we sing together and I have found new friends from the class. It is important to be together and the singing gives us peace and calm. For now, most of us need peace”. Tarane

Manchester City of Sanctuary provides creative, physical and social activities for refugees and asylum seekers. They are informal sessions posted in a WhatsApp group to come along to if you want to. They are ways to make and see friends, and a respite from difficult circumstances.

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Volunteer Coordinators Forum - Powered by a spirit of peer support

29 Sep 2021 - 09:38 by helen.walker

“The Volunteer Coordinators Forum gives me a great sounding board to cross-check our internal volunteering procedures with what other organisations are doing, provides me with inspiration around other volunteering strategies and initiatives from across the area, and motivates me to continually strive to improve the volunteering experience we offer.” Claire, Together Trust

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Gorton Stroke Café – ‘The experience is amazing and unique’

28 Sep 2021 - 09:59 by helen.walker

“I struggled with understanding how my life had changed to become a carer for my husband after his stroke but even though this is only my first session today, it has been good to meet other people and for them to reassure me that there is light at the end of the tunnel”.

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Pilotlight: Develop your charitable organisation holistically

20 Sep 2021 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

pilotlightPilotlight are opening a new programme of support for charities in England and Wales coming out of the pandemic. Pilotlight are offering free, patient support for charity leaders, putting together teams of business experts to help them over the course of a year.  

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Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting – Team MFT: Together caring for you

16 Sep 2021 - 14:59 by michelle.foster

mftManchester University NHS Foundation Trust are adopting a virtual format for their Annual Members’ Meeting, on 21 September you are invited to watch pre-recorded presentations in relation to their 2020/21 Annual Report and Accounts, alongside outlining their Plans for the Future. A Membership Report update will also available from Geraldine Thompson (Lead Governor), with the results of their 2021 Governor Elections/Nominations also being highlighted.  

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Black and Minoritised Women's Fund

14 Sep 2021 - 12:06 by michelle.foster

women's resource centreApplications for £10,000 grants are open. These grants are to help Black and minoritised women’s organisations, led-by-and-for women, which have been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic, to support women and girls, dealing with the impact of Covid-19.

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Burnage Library and Information Hub is recruiting Trustees

14 Sep 2021 - 12:04 by michelle.foster

burnage activity hubDo you want to give back to your local community?
Do you have finance / HR / secretarial skills?
Do you want to make new friends and connections?
Do you love Burnage and want to be more involved in your community?
Do you love libraries and want to support yours?
Are you looking to increase your team working and other skills?

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