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The Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation

26 Jun 2024 - 14:01 by michelle.foster

The Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation was established 24 years ago by Skipton Building Society. Since then it has given away more than £3.4 million to good causes across the UK.

Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation aims to improve the wellbeing, welfare and education of children and adults in communities throughout the UK by making donations of up to £6,000 to registered charities.

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Independent Age Training Dates

26 Jun 2024 - 13:52 by michelle.foster

Independent Age have announced that their new training dates are live for July. Independent Age offers free training to share knowledge and upskill frontline staff who support older people in their communities.

They currently have training sessions available in July on:

  • Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance and entitled to (virtual)
  • Carers Allowance (virtual)
  • Council Tax: Discounts and disregards (virtual)

Find out more here

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Cost of Living Fund 2024

24 Jun 2024 - 09:27 by michelle.foster

The Our Manchester Funds Programme Team are launching a £1 million Cost of Living Grant aimed at the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) organisations which will be delivered via a small grant process.
Key Dates

Opening date 

 Wednesday 26 June 2024, 8am

Closing date

 Wednesday 24 July 2024, 5pm

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Early Help and Prevention workshops

21 Jun 2024 - 14:05 by michelle.foster

Toni Toner from Barlow Moor Community Association is leading two workshops for the VCFSE to ensure their voice and expertise is captured to inform an all age, citywide approach to early help and prevention.  

This isn't about making large scale changes to existing services but about how to describe early help (for everyone, including single adults) and preventative services across the city and what can be learnt and shared from the VCFSE.  

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Shaping Care Fund

20 Jun 2024 - 14:03 by michelle.foster

Capturing the Voice of Cared for Children and Care Experienced Young People in Greater Manchester’s Regional Care Cooperative Pathfinder.

Grants to support Greater Manchester based VCSE organisations engage with Cared for Children and Care Experienced Young People to give voice to their needs and wants from the care system.
Are you a VCSE organisation working with Cared for Children and/or Care Experienced Young People in Greater Manchester?  Are you interested in supporting young people give their voice to the shaping of the GM’s emerging Regional Care Cooperative (RCC)?

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Inclusion Grants to support Deaf and Disabled people – Expressions of Interest now open

20 Jun 2024 - 14:01 by michelle.foster

An upcoming grants programme is aiming to change the narrative around disability across Greater Manchester.

GMCVO will be seeking applications from voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations, working in Greater Manchester, for the benefit of Greater Manchester residents, to encourage a change in the narrative around disability by improving accessibility and inclusion for Deaf and disabled people.

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The Phoenix Way North West – Greater Manchester Barriers to Accessing Funding Survey

20 Jun 2024 - 13:59 by michelle.foster

On behalf of The Phoenix Way North West, Greater Manchester Ethnic Communities Network (GMECN) would like to invite you to complete the following survey: The Phoenix Way North West – Greater Manchester Barriers to Accessing Funding Survey

The Phoenix Way North West is led by Inclusive North (formerly Lancashire BME Network) covering the sub-regions of Lancashire, Greater Manchester, and Cheshire and Merseyside. GMECN is the sub-regional delivery partner on The Phoenix Way North West for Greater Manchester.

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