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Stress and anxiety: A guide for LGBT people

28 May 2020 - 13:01 by michelle.foster

lgbt foundationAnxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health problems in the UK with around 5% of the population experiencing it at some point in their lifetime. This figure is significantly higher for people who are LGBTQ.

The LGBT Foundation have written a guide for LGBT people on the possible causes, symptoms and support available for anxiety and stress.

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Letter to support volunteers if challenged

28 May 2020 - 12:51 by michelle.foster

manchester city councilManchester City Council heard that some volunteers are being challenged to prove their identity while carrying out activities on behalf of vulnerable and shielded residents. To support them, organisations can apply for a letter of support from Manchester City Council using this link

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Travel safely during the coronavirus outbreak

27 May 2020 - 15:01 by michelle.foster

gov.ukGov.uk have produced Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers. This guide will help you understand how to travel safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in England. It provides guidance for walking, cycling, using private vehicles (for example cars and vans), and travelling by taxis and public transport (for example trains, buses, coaches and ferries).

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Everyone in for good – Ending rough sleeping for good after the lockdown

27 May 2020 - 14:43 by michelle.foster

homeless linkHomeless Link is calling for urgent national and local action so that nobody is forced to sleep rough after lockdown.

Actions to protect people sleeping rough during the Coronavirus lockdown have demonstrated that with the right level of focus and investment, progress can be made in tackling rough sleeping. We now have a unique opportunity to build on this progress and end rough sleeping for good. 

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Manchester City Council Discretionary grants for small businesses (including charities)

27 May 2020 - 14:01 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilThe Government has introduced additional grant funding aimed at small businesses with ongoing, fixed property-related costs who didn’t qualify for the Small Business Grant or the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant due to either not having a rates liability or not meeting the Government-set criteria.

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Wellbeing and mental health during COVID-19: A guide to looking after yourself and others

27 May 2020 - 11:46 by michelle.foster

GMCA bookletThe Greater Manchester Combined authority have released a Greater Manchester Wellbeing and Mental Health During COVID-19 booklet.

It has some great tips and ideas for things you can do to look after yourself and support others.

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Transport for Greater Manchester Active Travel

26 May 2020 - 15:40 by michelle.foster

tfgmAs part of Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM) approach to encourage and champion those who’ve continued to, or switched to, active travel during the Coronavirus outbreak, TFGM are seeking to find any active travel case studies to help them spread the positive message going forwards. Ideally by championing real-life stories of people who’ve done this to create visible, relatable, and achievable examples.

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