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Macc statement and support for Black Lives Matter

11 Jun 2020 - 14:41 by michelle.foster

Black Lives MatterGeorge Floyd was murdered. He was not the first victim of police brutality and nor is America the only country in which this happens.

At Macc we want to express our solidarity and support to the Black Lives Matter movement and for our brothers and sisters in Minneapolis, Manchester and around the world who are rightly fighting for racial and social justice.

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BBC Children in Need COVID-19 Next Steps Grant

10 Jun 2020 - 15:53 by michelle.foster

The Next Steps programme is BBC Children in Need’s response programme designed to deliver support for children and young people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible organisations will be able to apply for up to £80,000 for projects commencing in September 2020. These grants can last up to 18 months. It is designed for established organisations who are already delivering work in their communities and further afield.

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One Manchester COVID-19 Holiday Hunger Support Fund

10 Jun 2020 - 15:50 by michelle.foster

One Manchester recognises that the summer holidays will present a challenge to many families who are struggling to feed their children healthy meals. This is especially the case for those who may benefit from free school meals or vouchers during term time.

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Grants to Get Greater Manchester Walking

10 Jun 2020 - 15:49 by michelle.foster

Small grants from £50 to £1,000 are available for voluntary and community groups and social enterprises to encourage people who are usually less active to get out and start walking, or increase the amount they walk.

Applications that encourage people who are usually less active or inactive to start or increase the amount they walk whilst following social distancing guidelines.

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Support Museum Detox – The Network for Museum and Heritage Workers who identify as of colour

10 Jun 2020 - 15:47 by michelle.foster

Museum Detox  exists to empower people of colour working in the museums and heritage sector. Membership is completely free, offering a UK-wide community and the opportunity to connect with Detoxers in the North. Sign up can be completed through this short online form.

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Shared tips to help breathing in lockdown and Covid-19

10 Jun 2020 - 15:45 by michelle.foster

A new Facebook group has been set up called Shared Tips to Help Breathing in Lockdown and Covid-19.

Group members learn from each other about how to breathe better. Whether you've had breathing issues for a long time, are struggling at the moment, or you help others to breathe, this group is here to care, be kind and share knowledge.

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One Manchester - Community Development training platform

10 Jun 2020 - 12:53 by cheryl.mcalister

One Manchester are passionate about people having the opportunity for self-development so have a fantastic new learning platform available for community groups to access. There is lots of great work happening in the community and want to support these groups and individuals further. The Community Development training platform offers a range of free online digital courses covering everything from leadership and finance to communication skills.

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