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Europia Health and Wellbeing

18 Jun 2020 - 14:08 by michelle.foster

EuropiaEuropia is producing Wellbeing videos led by Karolina Skulska, a Polish-speaking Life Coach and Director of Be Super You. Karolina offers advice and techniques for coping with stress. These videos will be released every Monday for 7 weeks. The introduction and week 1 videos are available our their Youtube channel here.


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Engaging with members not online – teleconferencing

18 Jun 2020 - 14:06 by michelle.foster

ageing better in camdenTeleconferencing has been an important and useful tool to engage with members who are not online. While one-to-one befriending calls are excellent, it’s also great for people to be able to get together in groups, especially when other members may still be getting together online, via Zoom or other platforms.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 10 June 2020

18 Jun 2020 - 14:03 by michelle.foster

gmpaIn the latest newsletter GMPA look ahead with an editorial piece by Graham Whitham on how to go about tackling poverty in the aftermath of the pandemic. There is a write up on a webinar discussing positive examples of co-production during the crisis and an update on the GM Living Wage campaign. Staying with the Living Wage, there is a focus on Bolton and there is information about a new study on the impact of Covid-19 on food support in GM.

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The National Lottery Community Fund – Coronavirus Community Support Fund

16 Jun 2020 - 09:07 by michelle.foster

national lottery community fundThe National Lottery Community Fund has launched the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF). It is part of the Government’s £750m support package for charities and local enterprises. The fund is aimed primarily at small to medium organisations in England to support you to continue to deliver services to people and communities affected by Covid-19.

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Greater Manchester Savers

11 Jun 2020 - 15:35 by michelle.foster

gm saversWomen are the lynchpins of communities that have experienced decades of economic, social and political disadvantage.

Inspired by the Kenyan and South African savings-based movements of Shack/Slum Dwellers International, women in Greater Manchester have come together to establish local group saving schemes. Groups regularly save small amounts together, building trust and identifying issues they want to work on together.

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GM Sport and Physical Activity Volunteering - Survey

11 Jun 2020 - 15:33 by michelle.foster

greatersportBased on recent conversations and engagement that’s been going on surrounding support for sport and physical activity groups and volunteering during Covid-19, GreaterSport have put together a survey to gather feedback and shape how they might move forward with any future appetite to continue this engagement.

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