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GM VCSE leaders are asking the Government for urgent help

14 May 2020 - 09:55 by michelle.foster

Chairs of GMCVO, the GM VCSE Leadership Group, the GM BAME Network and GM BAME SE Network and the GM Social Enterprise Network have written to the Chancellor, the Rt. Hon. Rishi Sunak asking for more support for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations.

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ABL Health guide to resources for managing grief during the Coronavirus Pandemic

13 May 2020 - 15:38 by michelle.foster

abl healthThose who have recently lost a loved one, either as a direct result of Coronavirus or under other circumstances may find reduced access to friends and family at this time especially challenging. Although Grief affects us all differently, being socially isolated has changed how many are coping at this difficult time.

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Community (Youth) on Solid Ground update

13 May 2020 - 15:37 by michelle.foster

cosgCommunity (Youth) on Solid Ground would like to give you a brief update as to what they are doing to support young people and the community during this part of the Covid-19 period.

These bizarre times have affected C(Y)OSG’s normal working practice, within projects and face to face time with over 400 young people.

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IWP research on unequal impact of Covid-19

13 May 2020 - 15:34 by michelle.foster

The IWP is an equalities forum linked to the VCSE Leadership Group and GMHSCP, which is temporarily based at GMCVO. IWP are part of a collaborative effort to collate evidence of the way different GM communities have been affected by the lockdown, and find out from VCSE groups on the ground what issues need dealing with now to prevent further avoidable problems developing.

It is clear that there was a general default to mainstream approaches in the face of the sudden crisis, and that Covid-19 and the emergency response to it have already exacerbated many existing inequalities.

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Greater Manchester, Ethnic Minority Experiences of Caring: Your Voice Matters survey on ethnic minority experiences of caring

13 May 2020 - 15:30 by michelle.foster

gmhcscpCarers from Ethnic minorities may have different needs, issues and requirements from other populations, they are often overlooked in research and often do not access statutory services until they hit crisis point.

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GM Mental Wellbeing Grants

13 May 2020 - 09:50 by michelle.foster

GMCVO, working in partnership with 10GM, have launched a grants programme to support people from communities of identity or experience, based in Greater Manchester that may struggle to achieve higher levels of mental wellbeing.

The communities we want to reach are:

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Keep telling the world why your organisation is #NeverMoreNeeded than now

13 May 2020 - 09:47 by michelle.foster

never more neededThe government cannot afford to overlook or undervalue the not-for-profit sector at the moment. As we navigate the worst impacts of the coronavirus outbreak, people across the country are relying on VCSE organisations, the essential support they provide and how they shape our society for the better.

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