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Business & IP Centre - What's On November 2017

14 Nov 2017 - 10:30 by cheryl.mcalister

Business and IP Centre Manchester can help you start run and grow your business.
From that first spark of inspiration to successfully launching and developing a business, you’ll find the tools, support and advice you need.

As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week 13-19 November 2017 the centre is hosting a series of events and workshops.

Please see attachment for further information and booking instructions.

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Applications for 2018 Social Mobility Foundation Programmes now open

13 Nov 2017 - 11:50 by michelle.foster

The Social Mobility Foundation supports ambitious young people from less-privileged backgrounds to access top universities and careers. They run completely free of charge programmes featuring mentoring, internships with top companies, university application support, as well as professional development and skills workshops for high achieving young people across the UK. Social Mobility Foundation

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The Great Christmas Get Together Fund

10 Nov 2017 - 12:44 by michelle.foster

Forever Manchester are delighted to announce that they are once again supporting the Great Christmas Get Together by offering £200 to communities who wish to hold a Christmas event in their neighbourhood. The Great Christmas Get Together

During the month of December, the Great Christmas Get Together aims to encourage communities to get together with their neighbours to share a mince pie moment and celebrate all that we have in common.

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The Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust – Early years' preventative work

10 Nov 2017 - 10:46 by michelle.foster

The Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust is looking to support work which will improve the life chances for some of the most disadvantaged children in England and Wales by investing in early intervention and preventative work. The Trust is looking to support work with targeted groups of 0-3 year olds in England and Wales which will specifically improve the reach to these targeted groups and bring about improved defined outcomes for these targeted groups.

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A B Charitable Trust

10 Nov 2017 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

The Trust are specifically keen to offer grants to charities who work within the areas of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, penal reform and human rights .All grant-giving is informed by ABCT’s commitment to combat abuse and violations of human rights, and to support the disadvantaged by fostering community. action. ABCT supports charities working where human dignity is imperilled and where there are opportunities for human dignity to be affirmed.

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A Vision for a Sustainable Food Future

10 Nov 2017 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester builds on today’s hard work to launch a Sustainable Food Vision for the future. A vision for a sustainable food future

Despite a night of atrocious weather, forty representatives from Greater Manchester food organisations made it to Bridge 5 Mill in East Manchester to enjoy the gorgeous ‘Unlikely Heroes’ farmer photo exhibition and launch the Sustainable Food Vision for Greater Manchester.

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#givingtuesday 28 November 2017

10 Nov 2017 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

#givingtuesday is all about supporting and celebrating Britain’s charities. #givingtuesday

#givingtuesday is the day to do good stuff, and there are loads of things you could do to support your favourite charity.

Here’s how it works: on the day you can choose to support any charity you want in any way you want. You can choose one of their partners to support, or you can pick a totally different organisation – it’s up to you.

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It’s Trustees’ Week: 13-17 November 2017

10 Nov 2017 - 10:33 by michelle.foster

Trustees are the people in charge of a charity. They help to make the UK the sixth most giving country in the world. They play a vital role, volunteering their time and working together to make important decisions about the charity’s work. Trustees’ Week is an annual event to showcase the great work that trustees do and highlight opportunities for people from all walks of life to get involved and make a difference. Trustees' Week

How many trustees are there?

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