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#iwill Week 2017 (20-24 November)

10 Nov 2017 - 10:30 by michelle.foster

#iwill is a UK-wide campaign to promote meaningful social action, including volunteering, campaigning or fundraising, amongst young people aged between 10-20. During #iwill Week 2017 (November 20-24) help celebrate young people who lead social action and their capacity for bringing others together. The week marks the fourth anniversary of the campaign and is all about shining a light on the impact that young people are having, as well as the great work of the 700+ #iwill partners who’ve pledged to create more social action opportunities.

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White Fuse reopens small charity website grant scheme

10 Nov 2017 - 10:26 by michelle.foster

Throughout November 2017, small charities can apply for a website grant offering the design and build of a new website - a process that usually costs around £5,000. White Fuse

White Fuse will work with you to create a new charity website using their tools, processes and expertise. It’s not a cash grant that can be transferred elsewhere.

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Community Business Bright Ideas Fund – third round now open until 1 Dec 2017

3 Nov 2017 - 11:18 by michelle.foster

Do you have a local community asset but don’t know what it could be turned into? Or a community business idea that you don’t know how to get off the ground? If you are a community group or organisation who would like to set up a community business but need a bit of support, then this fund is for you. Power to change

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Introducing ‘Home-Start Manchester’

3 Nov 2017 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

Manchester is one of the local authority only areas in the country served by one local authority but with two separate Home-Start schemes. Both schemes' Trustees and Scheme Managers have been meeting for some time to evaluate the pros and cons of becoming one Manchester organisation. Home-Start Manchester has concluded that a merger of both schemes will create a stronger; more efficient and effective service for families, volunteers, referring and wider partner agencies.

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North Manchester General Hospital – Let’s Talk About Our Hospital

3 Nov 2017 - 11:10 by michelle.foster

Working with Healthy Me, Healthy Communities North Manchester General Hospital are holding 7 workshops in community venues, to engage north Manchester citizens in the design of the North Manchester General Hospital site and services, exploring the opportunities for creating healthier neighbourhoods.

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New £15 million programme to help train one million in mental health first aid

3 Nov 2017 - 11:02 by michelle.foster

A new £15 million programme will see up to 1 million people trained in basic mental health “first aid” skills. The programme will improve personal resilience and help people recognise and respond effectively to signs of mental illness in others. Gov.uk

The campaign, designed and delivered by Public Health England (PHE), will help people assess their own mental wellbeing and learn techniques to reduce stress.

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GM Poverty Action: Community wealth building; Living Wage week, Rethinking Poverty, Quality of work; Wrap up Manchester

3 Nov 2017 - 11:00 by michelle.foster

In the latest newsletter from Greater Manchester Poverty Action Councillor Matthew Brown from Preston City Council responds with The Preston Model to Graham Whitham’s 4 October article (Our economy isn’t working - Can Greater Manchester pioneer a new way of doing things?) and there is information about all of the Living Wage Week events in the city region. Greater Manchester Poverty Action

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FarmStart Manchester training programme 2018 - open for applications

3 Nov 2017 - 10:58 by michelle.foster

Do you want to be a grower?
Being an organic grower is an incredibly fulfilling job, nourishing people and planet. It can also be fraught with risk, underpaid and incredibly hard work. Kindling wants to help more people join a new generation of sustainable food growers. The Kindling Trust

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