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Here for Business: Cost of doing business

24 Nov 2022 - 14:28 by michelle.foster

The Business Growth Hub is supporting Greater Manchester businesses to navigate the increasing cost of doing business and provide specialist support. The here for business hub is The Business here for businessGrowth Hub’s response to the cost of living/energy crises that organisations are facing currently. The hub is for all organisations that are struggling with rising costs including social enterprises, charities, community groups etc.

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New app launches in Greater Manchester to support care leavers

24 Nov 2022 - 14:27 by michelle.foster

The new app helps care leavers in Greater Manchester find and access support, offers and opportunities that are available all in one place.

Care leavers in Greater Manchester will be able to use a new app to help them find and access support, offers and opportunities that are available to them, all in one place.

The ‘Bee Connected’ app has been developed by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and digital agency Focusgov following feedback from care leavers that support available to them wasn’t always easy to find.

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Free training courses for Greater Manchester communities

24 Nov 2022 - 14:25 by michelle.foster

Groundwork free training courses for Greater Manchester communities. The courses are open to people who are over 19, unemployed or earning less than £18,525. A minimum of 10 people are trainingneeded to run a programme.

Accredited qualifications

  • First Aid training
  • CSCS (starting work in construction)
  • Carbon Literacy (climate change)

Personal Development

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Open Philanthropy Fund – Tackling Financial Hardship Funds

24 Nov 2022 - 14:15 by michelle.foster

One-off grants for small charities and other not-for-profit organisations that are supporting local communities in the UK who are facing financial hardship over the next six months.

fundingNew Philanthropy Capital (NPC) is providing two separate funds in the financial hardship sector, aiming to relieve and reduce financial hardship in the UK.

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Manchester City Council consultation on budgets 2023/24 and beyond

24 Nov 2022 - 14:12 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council wants to understand your priorities to help them focus their spending as they set their budget. They need to save £96million up to 2026, so it’s important they hear your give your viewsviews. A shortfall of £96million means tough decisions. They’ll have to meet the shortfall with a mix of efficiency savings, extra income and cuts.

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Winterwise – a guide to keeping well this winter

24 Nov 2022 - 14:11 by michelle.foster

Age Friendly Manchester has partnered with national older person’s charity Independent Age to produce a new printed information guide called ‘Winterwise – a guide to keeping well this winter’.

winterwise guideDesigned for older residents across Greater Manchester, the guide brings together key information on cost of living support and how to stay warm, stay safe and stay well.

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