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Greater Manchester Poverty Monitor 2022

7 Sep 2022 - 15:02 by michelle.foster

In the context of soaring living costs, the Monitor is a vital resource that can strengthen the case for action on poverty and inform policy making and service design and delivery. Over the summer GM Poverty Action have been making several gm poverty actionchanges to the site. This includes adding new local level and national poverty data.

Recent updates to the Monitor include:

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Free North West Thriving Communities Learning Together Programme – Autumn Winter 2022/23

7 Sep 2022 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

learning togetherThis regional programme is open to voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations across the North West region interested or involved in social prescribing. This free programme from the National Academy of Social Prescribing’s North West Thriving Communities Team will teach you about social prescribing and the VCSE eco-system that enables social prescribing to be successful.

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Free CO awareness workshops

7 Sep 2022 - 14:55 by michelle.foster

The risks of carbon monoxide poisoning increase as we move towards Autumn and Winter. The Gas Safe Charity continues to offer more of their popular and free carbon monoxide awareness workshops. Aimed at front line staff and carbon monoxidevolunteers, they help people who work in the homes of vulnerable people to be more aware of the risks and to help prevent poisoning taking place. The interactive workshop lasts an hour.

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Sleep Talkers – connecting communities for better sleep

7 Sep 2022 - 14:50 by michelle.foster

The Sleep Charity have been running a new project called ‘Sleep Talkers’ since November which is designed to improve sleep issues. This is done through a ‘Train the Trainer’ approach with a focus on upskilling volunteers. The Sleep Charity sleep talkershave trained over 100 professionals since March and received excellent feedback! In September The Sleep Charity launched a second Sleep Talkers community ‘Adults 50+’.

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Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting

7 Sep 2022 - 14:44 by michelle.foster

In keeping with the positive feedback received last year, the Directors are again producing a series of pre-recorded presentations in relation to the 2021/22 Annual Report and Accounts, alongside outlining Plans for the Future. A ‘Membership manchester university nhs foundation trustReport’ update will also available from the Lead Governor, with the results of the 2022 Governor Elections/Nominations also being highlighted.

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Cultural Partnership Grants 2023-26

2 Sep 2022 - 14:55 by michelle.foster

About the grant
fundingThe Cultural Partnership grant programme was set up in 2011 to provide core funding for cultural organisations and has run for three consecutive rounds.

The new round of funding will run from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026. Grants of £10,000–£40,000 per annum are available.

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Laying the ground for a disability-inclusive workforce

2 Sep 2022 - 09:45 by michelle.foster

Foundations for Change are excited to be working towards a framework for disability inclusive workplace standards for healthcare organisations and local authorities in Greater Manchester.

surveyTo support this, Foundations for Change are collecting lived experiences through surveys and focus groups for both staff and management.

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National Survivor User Network – Sustaining Spaces Fund

1 Sep 2022 - 14:22 by michelle.foster

National Survivor User Network (NSUN) are awarding grants of £500-£1,000 to those facilitating community spaces where people with shared identities and experiences come together in support fundingof one another’s wellbeing. This may be in the form of peer support, mutual aid or self-help groups, but is not limited to groups defining themselves in this way.

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