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UK Research and Innovation funding opportunity

11 Aug 2022 - 14:04 by michelle.foster

UK Research and Innovation are funding a new programme – Funding for change: investing in collaboration with communities. They will invest £4.4 million over the next four years in the creation of a fundingseries of Community Research Networks across the UK. This will form part of its goal to deliver economic, social, and cultural benefits from research and innovation to all UK citizens.

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ITC free exercise classes for ladies

11 Aug 2022 - 14:00 by michelle.foster

ITC Community Hub is a community organisation based in Cheetham Hill. Every Tuesday at 11.30am-12.30pm, they are running free exercise classes for ladies. The 12 week programme is suitable pilatesfor all levels and provides a combined Pilates inspired, dance and physical classes to enhance your life.

For further information contact Aneesa on 0161 839 9817.

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Global Vision Initiative Yoga 4 Life Project

11 Aug 2022 - 13:59 by michelle.foster

Ever wanted to practice yoga but felt as if the space ‘wasn’t for you’?

yogaJoin Eirian every Tuesday at 5.30pm-6.30pm at the Old Levenshulme Library for a free evening of playful and supportive yoga practices, helping you find balance within yourself and the rhythms of nature.

These sessions will provide a judgement free space where those in the local community can connect with others, grow in confidence and feel safe and accepted.

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Contribute to the evaluation of the Changing Futures programme

11 Aug 2022 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester is part of the Changing Futures programme. This is a £64 million initiative between Government and The National Lottery Community Fund, testing innovative approaches to surveyimproving outcomes for people experiencing multiple disadvantage in fifteen areas across England. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has commissioned a consortium led by CFE Research to evaluate the Changing Futures programme.

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Call for new members of the GM VCSE Hospital Discharge Alliance

11 Aug 2022 - 13:45 by michelle.foster

The GM VCSE Hospital Discharge Alliance is a group of VCSE organisations currently working in, or with insight into the areas of hospital avoidance or hospital discharge. We are seeking new group chattingmembers to join us, so that our group fully reflects both the breadth of work happening in Greater Manchester, and so that all localities are represented.

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Free essential goods for your beneficiaries

11 Aug 2022 - 13:43 by michelle.foster

Giving World have partnered with Food Aware to expand in the North where they can redirect business end-of-line, surplus and discontinued stock to the most deprived communities in the UK.

Together they now offer greater volumes of vital and life enhancing goods, such as clothing, non-perishable foods, toiletries, cleaning and household products, from a new distribution hub in Rotherham.

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Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Keeping people safe from fire

11 Aug 2022 - 13:38 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) have launched Home Fire Safety Assessments (HFSA), which are targeted home fire safety interventions.

home fire safety assessmentsTo support HFSA a new Online Home Fire Safety Check (OHFSC) tool is available, which households can use to help identify fire hazards in their home. The tool also suggests changes that can be easily made to reduce the risk of a fire.  

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