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Our Manchester VCS Fund 2023-2026 information events

2 Aug 2022 - 14:07 by michelle.foster

The Our Manchester VCS Grants Programme which is Manchester City Council’s largest grants programme for the voluntary and community sector (£2.4m per year), has been going through a refresh over the last few months. Following fundingengagement and a co-design process, the new Programme will be launching on 1 September 2022. 

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Climate Action Fund

28 Jul 2022 - 14:34 by michelle.foster

This funding aims to help communities across the UK to address climate change. The National Lottery Community Fund are looking for projects that focus on the link between nature and climate. fundingThe National Lottery Community Fund want to fund projects that use nature to encourage more community-led climate action. The National Lottery Community Fund expect these projects to bring other important social and economic benefits.

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Co-design of GM Community Wealth Hub – your chance to comment

28 Jul 2022 - 14:30 by michelle.foster

In early June, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) hosted a co-design workshop for the proposed Greater Manchester Community Wealth Hub. Over 70 people came along and have your sayjoined in discussion about the potential purpose, functions, operating model and impacts that the Hub might have.

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Board shadowing webinar: what it is, how it benefits charities and getting involved

28 Jul 2022 - 14:27 by michelle.foster

Are you keen to support people from diverse backgrounds to take up Board positions? Do you want to bring lived experience expertise around the table? Do you want to make your Board more boardaccessible and inclusive to young people or racialised minorities?

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Opportunity to work with the University of Manchester knowledge exchange team

28 Jul 2022 - 14:23 by michelle.foster

Academics at the University of Manchester are looking to connect with charities / organisations that support young adults 16+ who are facing challenging circumstances, avoid addiction, homelessness, support well-being opportunityetc. i.e. kids that come out of care or youth/young offender institutions at the age of 16 and fall between the gaps of adult mental health support and other support services.

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On the go 90 minute CPD accredited online suicide bereavement training

28 Jul 2022 - 14:20 by michelle.foster

Suicide Bereavement UK is delivering live on the go online training modules which complement their face-to-face training, enabling employers/individuals, through blended learning, to build a on the go trainigbespoke training programme in the aspects of suicide bereavement that are most relevant to their organisational or professional needs.

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