People/communities experiencing racial inequalities

Grants to support BAME-led organisations affected by Covid-19

BAME grantsGM BAME Network, supported by GMCVO, have launched an emergency grants programme to support small (income under £10,000) GM BAME led VCSE organisations and communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Between July and December 2020 GM BAME Network will be giving out a total of £225,000 in grants.

The grants are funded by Comic Relief and the National Emergency Fund in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Edge Fund Rapid Response Fund

edge fundThis fund is open to all groups that are working towards systemic change, and whose work is in line with Edge Fund's values. Edge Fund understand that currently, many groups have put their campaigning/systemic change work on hold in order to deal with the effects of the pandemic – this is okay and will not disqualify you for funding.

Each successful group will receive £750.

Invitation to sign the GM VCSE Leadership Group BAME Statement

gm vcse leadership groupThe GM VCSE Leadership Group have published a statement in support of our BAME colleagues and communities in GM. You can show your support to the pledges made and commitment to facilitating change by signing the statement.

Read and sign the statement here

CAHN have launched a domestic and sexual violence helpline

cahnCAHN is offering free and confidential culturally and religiously appropriate counselling sessions with qualified professionals from the Caribbean and African community. In addition, they are working with a range of partners to deliver practical support.

Multi-million pound Covid-19 recovery scheme launches for community-led organisations

A new £9.5million funding scheme that will support community-led organisations in England affected by the Covid-19 crisis, has been unveiled.

The Covid-19 Community-Led Organisations Recovery Scheme (CCLORS) will provide grants up to £100,000 to community-led organisations in England that are facing severe financial difficulties as a direct result of the coronavirus lockdown.

B.A.M.E Infrastructure Fund

uk community foundationsApplications open for Infrastructure Organisations to support BAME-led charities and groups to access National Emergencies Trust (NET) funds.

A growing body of data, including from ONS and Public Health England shows that people who are Black, Asian and from minority ethnic (BAME) groups have been disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

A Parent's Guide to Black Lives Matter

parents guide to black lives matterThis guide aims to provide resources, advice, and tips to ensure that children are aware of racial inequality, racial hierarchies, and white privilege present in modern-day society, as well as share tools and knowledge in which to combat racism today.

Click here to read the guide