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All Capacity Building

Comic Relief – Power Up: resourcing women’s and girls’ movements for change

12 Oct 2018 - 10:48 by michelle.foster

The aim of this programme is to support a diverse range of women’s rights organisations to fight against systems which perpetuate the injustices they encounter in their daily lives. Comic Relief

Comic Relief wants to find and support women and girl’s movements to seed, sustain and strengthen change in the UK, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

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12 Oct 2018 - 10:46 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is looking for partners in the voluntary and community sector to support the next stages of development for the RADEQUAL grant programme. So if you are part of the RADEQUAL community network and have a tried and tested project that meets the RADEQUAL campaign objectives of tackling prejudice, hate and extremism, they would like to hear from you. RADEQUAL

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Charity Fraud Awareness Week (22 – 26 October 2018)

12 Oct 2018 - 10:33 by michelle.foster

During fraud awareness week The Charity Commission will be helping the charity sector become more resilient to fraud. Charity Commission

This is the third annual Charity Fraud Awareness Week aiming to help you increase resilience against fraud.

More than 40 charities, regulators, professional bodies and other stakeholders are joining forces to help combat fraud targeted against charities.

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Free digital skills course

12 Oct 2018 - 10:31 by michelle.foster

Digital Skills England is offering free online training. Digital Skills England are offering places on a fully funded NCFE Level 2 course in Digital Promotions for Business, which has been designed to help charities better understand the world of online marketing, and how it can be implemented to increase awareness and promote products and services. Digital Skills England

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The Wolfson Foundation launches £10 million mental health initiative

12 Oct 2018 - 10:26 by michelle.foster

The Wolfson Foundation has announced a £10 million funding competition to support outstanding research to advance the understanding and treatment of mental health conditions. UK universities and research organisations are eligible to apply (individually or collaboratively) and it is likely that a single award will be made. The Wolfson Foundation

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Nesta are calling for ideas from the UK’s cultural and creative community

5 Oct 2018 - 10:49 by michelle.foster

Nesta have launched Amplified, offering funding and support to develop digital ideas that improve the lives of others. nesta

Nesta are calling all cultural and creative organisations, not-for-profit or commercial, to come up with a digital idea that addresses a social challenge and produces a social benefit. Your idea can be local or global, as long as it has a real world benefit. Think hands-on results at street level, not clever comms campaigns.

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